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,Unit5 How much is it ?,A Lets talk,Lets chant,复 习 单 词,Is it yellow?,No. Its colourful.,Look at that dress. Its colourful.,What about this skirt?,Its pretty.,复 习 单 词,Cheap or expensive?,Its expensive.,复 习 单 词,Its cheap.,数 一 数,twenty thirty forty fifty sixty20 30 40 50 60seventy eighty ninety one hundred70 80 90 100,One, two, three, four, five, six, .,Lets read,twenty-six forty-three fifty-one sixty-eight seventy-four thirty-two eighty-five ninety-nineone hundred,Lets read, 36 , 47 , 52 , 63 , 71 ,82 , 94 , 100,How much is it ? Its yuan.,Lets go shopping,A: Look at that .Its ,How much is it? B: Its yuan.Its cheap/ expensive.,pretty,¥50,¥100,colourful,¥71,pretty,colourful,1.,2.,3.,How much is this dress ?,Is it cheap ?,No .Its too expensive.,Its ninety-nine yuan.,Listen, match and write the prices.,¥,¥,¥,¥,cheap,colourful,expensive,pretty,45,36,69,¥,87,1.,3.,4.,2.,Go shopping,Can I help you?,Yes. I want that dress. Its pretty. How much is it?,小 结,Sentences: Can I help you ? How much is this dress ? Its ninety-nine yuan . Its too expensive.,Homework: 1: Listen to the tape and follow it .2:Use the sentences we have learned to make a survey.,小 采 访,Name,clothes,¥,expensive,cheap,T-shirt,30,Xiao Ming,Then make a form like it,Goodbye,
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