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课题:课题: Module 10 Unit 1 Reading 姓名:姓名: 一:学习目标 1.Learn to grasp the structure of the article. 2.Discuss the theme of the article. 3.Learn to present a report about how to save the people in the poor situation.二:课前预习 1.Translation1)为埃塞尔比亚饥荒受难者募集资金 2)给政客和政治家施加巨大压力 3)改善其基础设施 4)发展私营企业和职业培训 5)培养解决问题以及沟通的能力 6)在技术领域找到新的工作 7)一个长期问题的短期解决办法 8) 有句俗语是这样说的:“授人以鱼,三餐之需:授人以渔,终身之用。 ”9)有句俗语是这样说的:“有志者事竟成。 ”10)有句俗语是这样说的:“凡事都有两面(有利有弊)2. What do you think we can do to help the people in poor area?三:课堂研讨1. Skim the article and answer the following questions.1) Look at the title,is it an essay about how to fish in a river?2)What did Bob Geldof do?3) What does WFP stand for?4) How many people has the WFP helped since it was set up?2.Read the article quickly and answer the questions 1) Why is food aid alone not enough to help poor countries?2) What do countries need to do to find a permanent solution to the problem of poverty? 3. Listen to the record and do the true or false exercises.Group-discussion 1)Bob Geldof organized the charity concert to help the victims of warin Ethiopia. 备 注2)According to the UN, ten million people die of hunger and malnutrition every year.3)Food aid is a great program, and it can surely help all the poor coun .0tries.4)Children will one day take control of the future of developing countries.5)To give a man a fish is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty.4.Read the article thoroughly and figure out the structure of it.1)Part one (para 1-3)2) Part two(para 4)Whats the theme of this article? 3) Part three(para5-7)1 its infrastructrue.2 the private enterprise and job training.Ways to stop poverty3 and young people How to develop the private enterprise and job training?( List some examples)4) Part four(Para8)-conclusionThe worlds number one health risk The programme of WFP1. 2. 3. 四:学后反思
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