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Unit 1,I want a hot dog, please.,Lets learn some new words.,hamburger,汉堡包,cola,可乐,dollar,美元,cent,美分,Lets learn.,Where are Daming, Simon and Simons dad?,Is a hot dog really a dog?,What does Simon want to eat?,What does Simons dad want to eat?,What do they want to drink?,How much is the meal?,Questions,Where are Daming, Simon and Simons dad?,Is a hot dog really a dog?,Theyre at a fast food restaurant.,No, it isnt.,What does Simon want to eat?,What does Simons dad want to eat?,He wants to eat a hamburger.,He wants a hamburger, too.,What do they want to drink?,How much is the meal?,They want to drink cola.,Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.,hot dog,hamburger,sandwich,apple,What do you want to eat?,What do you want to drink?,2.00,3.75,1.50,2.50,1.50,1.25,1.00,What do you want to drink? How much is it?,2.00,1.25,1.00,3.75,What do you want?,I want a hamburger and a milk. How much is it?,Its four dollars and seventy-five cents.,Here you are.,Lets try.,小组合作:角色扮演,A(服务员):Can I help you? What do you want? B(顾客): I want a hot dog/., please. C(顾客): And I want a hamburger/. D(顾客):A hamburger/. for me, too. A(服务员):And to drink? B(顾客):I want a cola. C(顾客): A cola for me, too. D(顾客):Three colas,please. A(服务员):Thats two hamburgers/., a hot dog. and three colas/. D(顾客):How much is it ? A(服务员):Its thirteen/. dollars and five/. cents. D(顾客):Here you are. A(服务员):Thank you. Enjoy your meal.,Thank you!,
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