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Module 3 Period 1 Introduction 课前篇课前篇:对标梳理,明确任务:对标梳理,明确任务【学习目标】1. 掌握关于旅行的词汇,用相关句型对自己的一次旅行及交通工具进行表达。2.掌握形容词词尾-ing 与-ed 的区别及其熟练掌握其用法。【学习重点】了解-ed form 用法及熟练掌握其用法。【学习难点】运用所学词汇短语及句型描述一次旅行。Part one: IntroductionTask one: Words and expressionsA. Match each of the words in the box with its definition.1.A thing taken, bought or received as a gift, and kept to remind one of a person, a place or an event 2.A thing that happens ,esp. something important 3.The land ,place or town by the sea 4.A set of rooms for living, usually on one floor of a building 5.Enclosed area of land for games, athletic contests, etc. usually with seats for spectators 6.A type of aircraft or a kind of airplane 7.Being given up 8.The (large area of ) barren land with little water and vegetation, often sand-covered 9.Travelling company of entertainers, including riders , clowns and performing animals 10. A meeting at which sb. Is asked questions to find out if he is suitable B. Match the verbs with the vehicles Task two: Express your attitude to studying the above subjectsYou can use the following adjectives such as interested, interesting, bored, boring, amazed, amazing etc.For example, I am amazed at English because I can get in touch with advanced foreign cultures. Or you can express your idea like this: I think English is boring because I cannot understand what the teacher talks about.Make at least 5 sentences according to the following sentence patterns.desert abandoned helicopter seaside souvenir event circus interview stadium apartmentbicycle bus ferry helicopter motorbike plane taxi train tramget on ; get off; get into; get out of; ride ; drive ; take off ; landI think is interesting/amazing/boring/tiringbecauseI am interested in/amazed at/bored with/tired of/fond ofbecauseI think/considerimportant/difficult/easy/interestingbecause 1. _.2. _.3. _.4. _.5._ Part two: Have a good knowledge of the differences of the adjectives ending with ing and ed. Task 1: Find out the sentences in the text with adjectives ending with ing and ed, then underline (划线划线)them and try to translate those sentences. Task 2: Translate the following sentences 1. We got confused about the whole thing. _ 2. I was completely amazed by the classroom._ 3. Jim is a very interesting person and we are interested in his stories. _ 4. Our teacher wore a puzzled expression when she came across a problem. _ 5. There is a puzzling problem to be dealt with._Task three: 根据以上五个句子的翻译小结一下: -ing 形式的形容词一般指的是人或物给人的感觉,一般译为_而- ed 形式的形容词一般指主语自身的感觉,译为_。 Task four:Read the examples and complete the sentences in page 7 of the textbook.Task five: A quiz一. 用括号内所给动词的-ed 形式或-ing 形式填空(可以选做可以选做) 1. The children were _after the trip. (tire) 2. The trip was_. (tire) 3. The _children went to bed early after the trip. (tire) 4. The _trip lasted a whole day. (tire) 5. The trip made the children_. (tire) 6. The bad weather made the trip_. (tire) 7. Toms parents are _ at his _ results of the exams(disappoint) 8. _and angry, he left the meeting-room. (disappoint) 9. It is _that he didnt pass the examination(disappoint)10. When hearing the_ news that Michael Jackson passed away, they were_to look at each other. (surprise) 11. He was _ about his _ son. (worry) 12. Im not _with his interpretation of this sentence. (satisfy) 13. He was _with the _person. (annoy) 14. A police car appeared on the road, the thief had a_ look on his face. (frighten) 15. The situation here is _and we are_. (encourage) 二. 选择最佳选项 1. The little boy isnt getting on well in maths and worse still, he is even unwilling to go to school. With her son _, she feels very _. A. disappointing; worrying B. disappointing; worried C. disappointed; worried D. disappointed; worrying 2. As we all know, typing is a _ job to a _ heart. A. tired; tired B. tired; tiring C. tiring; tired D. tiring; tiring 3. Poor boy! His_ looks and _hands suggested he was very afraid. A. frightful; trembling B. frightened; trembling C. frightening; trembled D. frightened; trembly 4. _ do you think of your English teacher? Is he _? A. What, interesting B. What, i
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