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【学习目标】 学习掌握 warming-up 及 reading 中的重点单词、句型。 【自主学习】 自主阅读,理解所给例句中的划线部分,并仿照造句。例如: 1.His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine. 造句_. 2. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. 造句_. 3.So Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read, or rather, scan. 造句_. 4.As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops 造句_. 【问题探究】 I.根据所给句子的提示,归纳出常用短语,相关词汇及用法: 1. desire n 渴望;欲望;渴求 vt. 希望得到;想要 (1)He has no desire for wealth. (2)I had a desire to go swimming. (3)He desired a college education. (4)They desire me to return soon. (5)I desire to know what contains in the box mailed to him. (6)She desires that you (should) see her at once. 注意:desire that.渴望(从句中谓语动词用 should动词原形虚拟语气形式) 请给出几个用于此类虚拟句的动词 _ _ _ 2.favor n. 恩惠 (1)We are all in favor of your suggestion. (2)I dont know how to use the software and asked a favor of him. (3)Could you do me a favor to carry this bag upstairs? (4)The situation is in our favor,as anybody can see. _ _ _ 3.accompany vt. 陪伴;伴奏 (1)She accompanied me to the doctors. (2)Mary sang and I accompanied her on the piano. (3)I enjoyed his company. (4)He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia. _ _ _ 4.leave alone (1) Dont touch my book. Leave it alone. (2) Leave him alone, he is so drunk. (3) The baby cant even walk, letlet alonealone run. _ _ _ II.理解课文中的长难句:(精英班) 1.On the second morning Tony, wearing an apron, brought her breakfast and the asked her whether she needed help dressing. 请翻译此句,并说明 wearing 和 dressing 的用法。 _ _ * 2.It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window. 请翻译并总结此类强调结构 _ _ _ * 3.As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 请结合本句话,归纳一下完全倒装的相关知识。 _ _ _ * * 4.She fell off a ladder and even though Tony was in the next room, he managed to catch her in time. 请说明 manage to do, try to do, succeed in doing, was/were able to 之间的联系。 _ _ 【课堂练习】 I.单项选择: 1. When we finally_ to get home after the tiring long journey we could hardly move a step farther. A. tried B. succeeded C. managed D. attempted 2. A Tales of Two Cities is_ a novel. It helps us to understand the history of England and French of that time. A. more than B. not more than C. no more than D. less than 3. Why? I have nothing to confess. _ you want me to say? A. What is it that B. what it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that 4. Do let your mother know all the truth , she appears _ everything. A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told 5. We had nothing to do _ watch TV. A. but to B. then to C. but D. then 6. -What about the protection? -Lets keep the surface _ dirt by putting a cover over it. A. far from B. free from C. apart from D. away from 7.It took a long time for the connection between body temperature and illness _. (江西 2006) A. to make B. to be made C. making D. being made 8No child under 12 is allowed to go to the lake alone;any walk close to the lake_by a parent. Amust be accompanied Bmust accompany Ccan be accompanied Dshould accompany 9The film star has asked_but the journalists just keep following him wherever he goes. Ato leave alone Bleft alone Cto be left alone Dbeing left alone 10What did he say in_of his stupid behaviour? He admitted that he had made a serious mistake. Aexplanation Bfav
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