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1ModuleModule 1111 bodybody languagelanguage UnitUnit 1 1 TheyThey touchtouch nosesnoses教学目标On completion of this class, students will be able to 1. Finish the listening task.2. Get familiar with the relevant information about body language3. acquire the key words and language points 教学重点Understand the body language in different situation and learn how to use the imperat ive sentence。教学难点Make suggestions with the imperative sentence。学情分析Seventh graders are different in their personality, intelligence, learning habit and language basis, because of the different family and elementary education。七年级学生由不同的小学升入初中,他们来自不同的地方,各自的家庭和以前的学校都不相同,这就导致了无论是学生的个性、智力还是学生的学习习惯和学习基础都不相同。学法指导Self-study combining with group work 自学互帮,小组合作教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测补救措施修改意见2Step1Step1 LeadLead inin StepStep 2.2. vocabvocabularyularyStepStep 3 3 activityactivity1 Review the key words about human body.复习有关人体的词汇,2. learn the new words。学习新词汇,播放词汇音频让学生关闭书本在纸上画“正”字测试自己刚才3. teacher shows some body action and ask students to guess the meaning。老师自己或请两名同学上台表演,其他同学猜测肢体语言所传达的含义。1 Students are divided into several groups to answer the questions 学生被分成六个小组进行抢答。2. follow the teacher to read the words and test the words by listening the tape3. take part in the activity1.调动学生学习兴趣。学生复习相关重点词汇并引出 body language 这个话题重点上一环节图片的重点词汇,初步掌握重点词汇的发音,能认读。通过亲身肢体动作展示加强师生互动,进一步巩固所学词汇。1.1.6Step4Step4 ListeningListeningandand ReadingReadingStep5Step5 LanguageLanguage 1) students are required to read the words of the listening activity.朗读听力任务出现的新词汇2).播放录音,提出2个问题作为学生听对话的任务,再点名提问。5.5. Teacher gives the lecture.4. Students are required to match the new words and the related picture. 用英语词汇描绘所给图片的动作以及相关手势语在某个国家赋予的含义。全班核对答案。比技巧,比合作,看哪组学生快准。the Ss are asked to do some translation, sentence-analyzing, and other text related 通过分派听录音回答问题并完成练习进一步巩固所学知识并锻炼学生的听力,并且通过小组内合作,小组间竞争的设计引起学生的关注度。学生掌握相关写作知识1pointspoints andand PracticePractice写一篇关于中国人各个地方不同问好方式的简短文章。exercises. Ss are required to read each paragraph with right pronunciation and intonation.1)学生朗读,并记忆单词.2)学生不看课文,只听对话,并小组之间讨论上诉问题。3)学生勾画重点短语和句型。小组之间共同完成并核对答案。学生独立完成。6.以小组为单位共同合作,扩展延伸课堂所学知识,培养合作意识,学会用简单的词汇和句子表达一个主题和思想1Step6Step6 HomeworkHomework下节课每 选一名代表上台做报告1板书设计1)What is Lingling going to do?Do the Russian and American people greet each other ?2) I am welcoming the visitors.是现在进行时态表将来的用法.Eg :My parents are talking me to the Science Museum this weekend?3)times 次数 three times“三次”在英文中,一次是 once,两次是 twice,三次以上都用 times参考书目推荐资料教学反思
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