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教学内容教学设计 Learning aims: Let students be familiar with the new words and phrases Learning key points: the usage of key words and phrases Learning difficult points: the usage of key words and phrases 【学案使用说明】提前认真预习单词的前提下完成【课前预习课前预习】 检查学生单词读音,纠错。 【自主自主 合作合作 探究探究】 1. unlike prep.不同;不像 adj.不同的,相异的 区别 unlike/dislikeThey are so _that nobody believes they are sisters.I am shy and I _ being talked about_her younger brother, she studies very hard .(2013东营高一检测)The festival has been a great success,_last year when it rained nonstop. A.like B.unlike C.alike D.dislike 2 . fundamental adj.基本的;基础的 n.基础,基本规律 be fundamental to -对-必不可少的 The relationship with the students is fundamental to my work as a teacher . 3.harmful adj.有害的 反义词_ be harmful to= _对有害 阳光会对你的皮肤有害。 The sun can _ _ _ your skinSmoking is harmful to your lungs.=Smoking _吸烟对你的肺有害 4.exist vi.存在;生存exist in 存在于之中exist on 靠为生/生存,与 live on 意思相近There exists.表示“存在,有”,是 there be 句型的变式。用于该结构熟读单词和短 语,注意发音。的动词还有 live/stand/lie 等。 练习他们靠这点收入生存是不可能的。 It was impossible for them to _ _such a small income. 众所周知,地球存在于宇宙之中。 As is well known to us, the earth _ _ the universe. 世界是什么时候产生的? When did the world _ _ _?We cant exist without food or water.译:_Many experts believe that there may_life on other planets. A.have B.exist C.are D.is 【温馨提示】 exist 是不及物动词,没有被动语态,也没有进行时 5.puzzle n.谜;难题 vt. 不知如何是好 puzzle about/over 冥思苦想,苦苦思索 (2)puzzling adj.令人迷惑的,多用来修饰物 puzzled adj.感到迷惑不解的,多用来修饰人 be puzzled about 对迷惑不解 这是十分令人困惑的问题之一。 This is one of the most _ _. 这个学生对于下一步做什么伤透了脑筋。 The student _ _ _what to do next.The little boy didnt understand the_ question so there was a_expression on his face. A.puzzling;puzzled B.puzzled;puzzled C.puzzling;puzzling D.puzzled;puzzling 6.in time 及时;终于;迟早 【观察领悟】 阅读下列句子,写出 in time 在句中的含义。In time I think shell realize how foolish shes been.我想她_会意识到自己曾是多么的傻。My questions in this class: _ _ _ _I should be back in time to watch the football match.我应该能_赶回来观看这场足球比赛。来源:学科网Youll succeed in time as long as you dont give up.只要你不放弃,_有一天你会成功的。 【拓展延伸】 in no time_at one time_ at a time_all the time_at any time_at times_at the same time_on time_ (2012江苏高考)Thank God,youre safe!I stepped back,just_to avoid the racing car. A.in time B.in case C.in need D.in vain 7.lay eggs 下蛋 一句话巧记三层意义 The boy lying under the tree lied that his cock laid an egg yesterday. 练习母鸡下蛋,公鸡则不然。 Hens _ _ but cocks dont. 那位老人躺在那里已经好几个小时了。 The old man _ _ there for several hours. 那个小男孩昨天对他妈妈撒谎了。 The little boy _ his mother yesterdayThe white hen_six eggs last week.A.lays B.laid C.lied D.lain 8.give birth to 产生;分娩 The woman_birth to twins last year turned out to be a film star. A.to give B.who gave C.given D.being given 9.in ones turn 轮到某人;接着 拓展in turn 依次,轮流;反过来by turns 轮流Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事当轮到我时,我激动得说不出话来。 When it is _ _ _,I am too excited to speak. 我们轮流读这首诗 We read the poem_ 最后轮到她发言了。 At last its _ _ _ make a speech.Some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out and give off oxygen . A.in case B.in turn C.in return D.in addition_1. alike, dislike , Alike , B. 3.harmless , do harm to ; be harmful to ; does harm to 4. exist on ; exist in ;come into existence ; 离了水和 食物我们 无法生存 B.5.迷; 使-迷惑; puzzling problems ; is puzzled about ; A 6.迟早;及时, 总有一天。A 7.lay eggs ;has lian ;lied to ;B 8. B 9. in my turn ; by turns ;their turns B 10 . Stop /Keep sb. from doing Prevent from Prevent from DC D B D A. B10.prevent.from 阻止;制止 各种“阻止”的表达_.谁也不能阻止这个计划的实施。 No one can _ this plan _ carried out. 大雨使得战士们无法过河。 The heavy rain _the soldiers _ _the river 【当堂达标当堂达标】选词填空 1. 尽管这很困难,我们还是要设法及时完成任务。尽管这很困难,我们还是要设法及时完成任务。 2. As we all know, smoking is _ to our health. 3. At the gate, a guard _(不让他进入学校不让他进入学校).2. In the waiting room, _ (他被阻止吸他被阻止吸 烟烟). 【总结提升总结提升】 ) 1It will be my _ to clean our classroom tomorrow. Away Btask Cjob Dturn 2For some reason,the old ladys hens stopped _eggs suddenly. Alying Blay Claying Dlie 3.What a strange man!He loves his wife,but _ he often beats her.(宝鸡市模拟) Aat a time B.at one timeCin time Dat the same time 4.People will thank the firefighters for the things they do to prevent fires_the environment safer. Amake Bto make Cfrom making Dmaking 5.Fred and Jim did not like each other at first,but_they became friends. Aon time Bat one time Call the time Din time 6.The bus driver asked the passengers not to hurry and ge
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