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高效课堂教学设计:(授课日期: 年 月 日 星期 班级 )拟 课时 授课题目 Unit 2 The Olympic Games(Practice) 第 课时明确目标1 1、知识与技能:、知识与技能:Enable the students to make full use of the useful words and exprssions and the skill of doing exercises.2 2、过程与方法、过程与方法: : DoDo somesome practicepractice andand thenthen checkcheck thethe answers.answers. 3 3、情感态度与价值观:、情感态度与价值观:DevelopDevelop thethe students positive attidude towards life.重点难点重点:Help the students to make full use the useful words and expressions and the skill.难点:Help the students to make full use the useful words and expressions and the skill.课型讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计师生活动设计Step I. RevisionRevise some useful words and expressions.Step II. Practise Get the students to do some practice according to the demand and then check the answers.Keys: 1.irregular 2. responsible 3. admissions 4. physics5. advertisements 6. be admitted to 7. duty/responsibility8. honour/take part in 9. competition 10.admittedStep III . Cloze testGet the students to finish the exercise in 15 minutes and then check the answers. Keys: 11-15 BBDCC 16-20 BDABD 21-25 BDABCStep IV. Grammatical testGet the students to finish the exercise in 10 minutes and then check the answers.Keys: 26. dangerous 27. with 28. popular 29. of 30. other31. Although 32. a 33. but 34. lauching 35. oneStep V. HomeworkFully understand the passages.因材施教:教学后记:
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