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Unit 9 Its important to have good habits. Section A Period 1,Do you often do these things?,I think its important for teenagers to exercise.,to exercise,to talk with parents,to study hard,to spend time with family,to get enough sleep,to spend time with family,to help out,not to play computer games too much,to talk with teachers,I think its important for teenagers to ,1b,Listen. match the students with their ideas in activity 1a.,_ Mei,_ Ling,_Peter,_ Mark,1c,Pair work,A: Do you think its important to exercise? B: I guess so. How about you? A: Yeah, I do. Exercising helps teenagers to stay healthy. B: I think its also important to spend time with friends. A: Uh, huh, I agree.,He is not old enough to go to school,He is so young that he cant go to school,He is too young to go to school.,她太小而不能做出决定。,1. She is too young to make her decisions.,2. She is not old enough to make herdecisions.,3. She is so young that she cant makeher decisions.,Toms parents are very strict with him.,They tell him not to,play computer games too much.,chat on the internet.,watch TV too much.,read the books in the sun.,Listen to a class conversation. Choose the correct answer.,What was Mr Brown come to talk about?a. behavior at school b. health and happiness 2. What does one girl ask if she is too young to do?a. to make her own decisionsb. to stay out late,3. What does Mr Brown tell them not to do?a. agree to meet strangersb. chat on the Internet,2b Listen again. Complete the sentences.,Mr Brown: In order to be healthy, teenagers _ enough sleep. Mrs Brown: Its _ talk things over with your parents.,Girl: My parents tell _ chat on the Internet. Teacher: What is most important is _ believe that adults want to help.,2C,Pair work,Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.,
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