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1UnitUnit 7-Unit7-Unit 8 85.5. 词汇词汇 1Today is_(有雪的)Lets go outside to make a snowman.2. It is_ (rain) outside. Youd better take an umbrella. 3The girl has a bad_(记忆)so she takes a notebook with her to write down what she sees 4. Those sweet _(记忆) are about lazy afternoons _(填介词)a pool. 6. Farmers are busy _(收割) crops 6. He_ (扔) his ticket somewhere yesterday and now he cant find it. 7. My grandfather always_ (咳嗽) at midnight. He should go to see the doctor. 8. The_ (突发) illness took his life last year. 9. Who ate_(完全地)my ice cream!1 wanted to give it to my sister! 10. I enjoy the life in the_(乡下).It makes me feel comfortable there. 11. We were_(清理)the classroom the whole afternoon. 12. Our school is going to make some_(规则)about what to wear at school. 13May I know your_(外孙)names? 14. Jenny is_(将近)as tall as her mother now. She is still growing. 15. Dont put any cream on your_(烧伤处)before going to see the doctor. 16. The house is_(燃烧).Lets call 119. 17I couldnt fall_(睡觉)because I drank too much coffee in the daytime 18.I_(烧伤)my hands at home yesterday.19.The birds fly far away _(find) a warm and sunny place. 20.What a _(sun) day _(take) a walk it is today! 21. We should keep_ (our) safe first. 22. What did you learn from_ (yesterday) talk? 23. If you dont get enough sleep, you will feel_ (sleep) in class.二、动词填空二、动词填空1. My mum wanted me to help her_ (mop) the floor. 2. They_ (plan) their trip the whole night so they couldnt get up this morning. 3. Mr Xiao_ (read) in the library when I called him last night. 4. The children_ (carry) water for the old over there. You should help them. 5. Its really nice of you_ (share) your umbrella with this little girl. 6. Who_ (make) breakfast for you every morning in your home? 7._ they_ (cook) the birthday dinner for you between 18:00 and 20:00 last night? 8._ (keep) the door closed and it will be warm here. 9. The first question of the four was really difficult, but the rest_ (be) 2quite easy. 10. Mr Wu told us that the sun_ (rise) from the east. 11. Please write down what I say, otherwise you_ (forget) the important points. 12. Would you please_ (stay) here for a while? Mum is coming.13. Winter is the best season _(go) skiing.14. My brother_ (do) his homework when I left my house. 15._ he_ (watch) while his mother_ (cook)? 16. While we_ (wait) for the bus, a girl_ (run) up to us. 17. As I_ (walk) in the park, it _ (begin) to rain.三、句型转换三、句型转换 1. My father is very busy. He is cleaning his car now (改为同义句)My father is _ _ his car now. 2Snow rhymes with grow.(改为一般疑问句)_ snow_ with grow? 3. We feel hot and thirsty on a hot summer afternoon (对画线部分提问)_ _ you feel on a hot summer afternoon? 4. Shanghai is in the eastern part of China. (改为同义句 )Shanghai is _ _ _ _ China. 5I like spring best.(对画线部分提问)_ _ do you like best? 6It will be snowy tomorrow.(改为同义句)There_ _ _ tomorrow. 7The weather today is windy.(对画线部分提问)_ the weather_ today? 8. The temperature will be around 9 during the day.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the temperature be during the day? 9. “Please visit Nanjing next year,“ the girl said to us. (改为同义句)The girl _ us _ _Nanjing next year. 10 . Lily and I used one umbrella in the rain. Lily_ the umbrella_ me in the ram. 11. What a strong wind last night! _ _ it_ last night! 12. We didnt know where we could go. We didnt know_ _ _. 13. The flood killed thousands of people. Thousands of people_ _ _ in the flood. 14. My car was in trouble on the way to school. (改为同义句)My car_ _ on the way to school. 15. He drove slowly because it was very foggy. He drove slowly because of _ _ _. 16. We didnt go fishing because of the terrible weather. (改为同义句)We didnt go fishing because _ _ _ 3_ .四四、完成句子、完成句子1今天多云,温度在 9 度和2 度之间。_2夏天很热,温度通常在三十几度。_3明天温度将会降至 0以下。_4. 下周温度将会保持在零度以上。_5. 孩子们喜欢在雪天打雪仗。_6今天早晨雾很浓。_7人们恐惧地尖叫,跑出了这着火的房子。_8早晨当我醒来的时候,我妈正在做薄饼。_
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