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高考资源网(ks5u.com) 您身边的高考专家www.ks5u.com 版权所有高考资源网- 1 -江苏省新沂市江苏省新沂市 2015 高考英语阅读理解一轮练习(高考英语阅读理解一轮练习(12) (答案)(答案)阅读理解。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。I got my first drivers license (执照) in 1953 by taking driver education in my first year at Central High School in Charlotte,North Carolina.Four years later when it was time to renew my license I was a married woman.Henry and I were living in Baltimore,Maryland.Two weeks before my 20th birthday,Henry drove me to the motor vehicle office on a hot July afternoon.When I got to the office and showed to the man behind the counter my North Carolina drivers license,ready to renew,the man told me that I was under age by Maryland law since I was not yet 21.“Mr.Henry Smith,your husband,will have to sign for you, ”he said.I argued,pointing to a very large belly (肚子) of mine, “I am married.I am having a baby.Why should I have to have someone sign for me to drive?”He answered coldly, “ Its the law,madam.”Henry encouraged me to calm down,just go ahead and get the license and be done with it.“No, ”I said.I refused to have him sign for me.So I left without a Maryland license.I called the North Carolina Motor Vehicle Office and renewed my NC license by mailusing my name Susan Brown.And thus it was for the next twelve years.Since Henry was in the army I could drive under my home state license.By the time Henry left the army we were once again living in Maryland,and I had to take the Maryland drivers exam.Since then I just go in and renew every four yearssign the name Susan Brown,have my new picture taken,and walk out with a license to drive.本文讲述了美国不同的州法律不一样。在北卡罗莱纳州,中学时就可拿驾照,而在马里兰州 21 岁才能申请驾照。1Susan got her first drivers license_.Abefore she got married to HenryBwhen she was twenty years oldCafter she finished high schoolDwhen she just moved to Maryland答案:A。细节理解题。根据短文第一段第一、二句话可知,苏珊在上中学时拿到的第一个驾照,四年后换证时,她已结婚了。由此可知 A 项正确。高考资源网(ks5u.com) 您身边的高考专家www.ks5u.com 版权所有高考资源网- 2 -2Susan failed to renew her license the first time in Maryland because_.Ashe was forbidden to drive by Maryland lawBshe lacked driving experience in MarylandCshe was to give birth to a baby soonDshe insisted on signing for herself答案:D。推理判断题。根据第三段可知,她拒绝丈夫替她签名注册,因此她没拿到驾照。由此可知正是因为她坚持自己签名注册,使她没换证成功。3We can infer from the text that in the US._.AAmerican males should serve in the armyBdifferent states may have different lawsCpeople have to renew their licenses in their home statesDwomen should adopt their husbands family names after marriage答案:B。推理判断题。由马里兰州和北卡罗莱纳州的法律来看,不同的州有不同的法律。阅读理解-BHe has vowed that he will not stop building his business until it is worth 100 million. But hard-working Owens can stop for at least a moments celebration after making his first 1 million at the age of 16. Owens, who has used a computer since the age of seven, began teaching himself basic web design at the age of ten when he was given his first Mac computer. He used his pocket money to fund his first business project, website Mac Box Bundle at just 14 which has made 700,000 since its establishment in 2008. Mac Box Bundle sells a combination of popular Mac applications which are worth up to $400 together for under just $100 and donates 10 percent of the money to charities.He then established an advertising company Branchr a year later and worked on the business after school and at weekends. Branchr made a surprising 500,000 in its first year. Branchr works as a platform for website owners to sell advertising. 高考资源网(ks5u.com) 您身边的高考专家www.ks5u.com 版权所有高考资源网- 3 -Owens, from Northampton, currently employs eight staff-all adults-around the UK and America as sales and technical assistants. The young man lives with his parents. His mother who is a company secretary said he was inspired to go into business after observing the huge success achieved by Apples chief executive officers(首席执行官) Steve Jobs.Owens said, “I think everyone has business sense in them, and they just need to gain experience and be determined to make it. There is no magical formula(法则) for business, It takes hard work, determination and the drive to do something great. My aim is to become a leading name in the world of Internet and mobile advertising and push myself right to the top of the game.The teenager insists his professional success has not affected his personal life, and says his interests include photography and playing the guitar. “My friends and I dont really talk about my success. To them Im just a normal teenager and it doesnt change anythi
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