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Unit 12,Business English,2,Text A,Words and Expressions alcoholism n. 酗酒 cohort n. 一代人;一群人 decline v. 下降;下落 fertility n. 生育;生产 frictional adj. 摩擦的 potential n. 可能性;可能 profound adj. 很深的;深切的 proportion n. 比例;比率 recession n.(经济)衰退,不景气,萧条 self-employed adj. 从事个体劳动的;不受雇于别人 的 shearer n. 剪羊毛工人,Population,3,Text A,Words and Expressions top-heavy adj. 头重脚轻的;上层机 构臃肿的 workforce n. 在岗人数,劳动力 cyclical unemployment 周期性失业 frictional unemployment 摩擦性失业 full employment 充分就业 labor force 劳动人口 structural unemployment 结构性失业,Population,4,Text B,Words and Expressions alleviation n. 缓和 approximately adv. 近似的,大约 childbearing n. 分娩 decade n. 十年,十 drastic adj. 激烈的,猛烈的 immunity n. 免疫性 inoculation n. 接种,接木 maternal adj. 母亲的,母性的 midwifery n. 助产术,催生 mortality n. 死亡率 necessity n. 必要性,需要,必需品 puberty n. 青春期 socio-economic adj. 社会经济学的,Achievements and Developments in Population and Family Planning in China,5,Text B,Words and Expressions sustainable adj. 可以忍受的,养得起的 transition n. 转变,过渡 vaccine n/adj. 疫苗的;疫苗 urbanization n. 城市化,文雅化 contagious diseases 接触性传染病 fertility rate 人口出生率,生育率 family planning 计划生育 floating population 流动人口 in turn 依次,轮流 in accordance with 与一致,依照 life expectancy 平均寿命,Achievements and Developments in Population and Family Planning in China,6,Text B,Words and Expressions per capita 每人,照人数分配的 rural population 农村人口 slow down (使)慢下来 spare no effort 不遗余力;宽容,节约 square meter 平方米 tap water 自来水,蒸馏水 urban population 城市人口,Achievements and Developments in Population and Family Planning in China,7,Business Writing,Important Notes首先,欢迎新人加入 介绍新同事即将担任的职位和职责 介绍新同事的简单背景,包括:工作经验、学历、个人兴趣等等 介绍新同事的联系方式 邀请大家参加欢迎会并告知时间地点(如有必要),Welcome New Employees,8,Business Writing,Sample Dear Colleagues: Please join me in welcoming two new team membersJack OBrien and Peter Eakins, who started working with Sunflower Corporation today: Jack OBrien joins us as the Business Development Manager. He has an MBA from Lund University in Sweden but, before completing the MBA, Jack worked in Sales the Sales Department with Hammer Industries Corporation. As an undergraduate, Jack majored in Finance & Economics at Lund University. In his spare time, Jack enjoys golf, skiing and music. He can be reached on extension 211 and his email address is jack_obriensunflower.com. Welcome Jack!,Welcome New Employees,9,Business Writing,Sample Peter Eakins also joins us today as an Assistant Engineer from Lund University where he majored in Electronic Engineering. Peter is known to many of you already, as he has been working with us for twelve months as an intern. In his spare time, Peter enjoys music and soccer he is a very good soccer player. Peter can be reached on extension 502 and his email address is peter_eakinssunflower.com. Welcome back Peter! We are organizing a party for our new colleagues. Please feel free to join us in the boardroom of the training center at 18:30 if you would like to attend and meet our new colleagues. Best regards Auther Dove HR Director Sunflower Corporation,Welcome New Employees,10,Business Dialogue,Dialogue 1(A= Kim B= Ron) A: Hi Ron, this is Kim at headquarters. B: Oh, hi Kim. Hows it going? A: Great, thanks. I am calling to change our meeting next week. B: Ok, sure. When did you have in mind? A: Well, I was hoping we could reschedule for early next month, our trip has been postponed until the 2nd. B: Why dont we say the 3rd around 2:00 p.m? A: That works for me! I will call you when I get into town to reconfirm. B: Great. Talk to you then.,Cancel an Appointment,11,Business Dialogue,Dialogue 2A: Mike is speaking. B: Good morning, Mike. This is Tom speaking. Im phoning about our appointment on Wednesday. Im sorry, but I cant make it. A: Thats a pity. B: Could we meet on Friday instead? A: Im afraid Im tied up then. B: The only other time Im free is Thursday morning. Thats the 10th. A: Well. Ill try to manage. Would 9:30 be convenient for you? B: Thats fine. Im very sorry to be a nuisance. A: Its all right B: Thank you, Mike. Bye-bye.,Cancel an Appointment,
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