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第四单元:英语新闻的导语,UNIT FOUR:LEADS,1、定义:导语是新闻的开头部分,是新闻的结果、提要或高潮。 2、作用:1)开门见山2)吸引读者 3、要求:1)最新鲜的事实2)最重要的事实 3)最有趣的事实4)简短有力(跟标题的要求一样),Examples,例1:李鹏总理在今天开幕的国际商会第32届大会上说,从今年到本世纪末的4年中,中国将向世界提供将近7000亿美元的市场。 例2:昨天下午,本报收到紧急传真:“史小六,你为了逃避手术费,竟然左臂伤口带着引流条就失踪了,请你立刻回医院治疗,否则你有感染截肢甚至丧命的危险。” 例3:希腊总统扬言,如果雅典申办2004年奥运会挫败,希腊将永不申办奥运会。 Example 4:P183 Basra, Iraq: Iraqs US administrator Paul Bremer said on Friday he had escaped an assassination attempt in Baghdad in early December.” Example 5:P183 CABINET WILL NOT VOTE ON EURO,Part one *summary leads概括式导语hard news stories usually begin with a summary lead,a terse opening paragraph that provides the gist of the story and invites readers inside.the summary lead should be brief, generally no more than 35words.it is usually a single sentence but it can be broken into more than one sentence. 概括式导语是英语新闻中最常见的导语类型,它一般应用于硬新闻中,简洁明了,开门见山地介绍新闻的主要内容,邀请读者阅读新闻,一般来说,概括式导语不多于35个单词,一般由一个简单句组成,但可以分为多个句子.,Examples,Timothy McVeign was executed by lethal injection on Monday for setting off a truck bomb in front of a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995 that killed 168 people in the worst act of terrorism on U.S soul.(Reuters) Witnesses say convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeign died swiftly and silently this morning,the first federal inmate to be put to death since 1963.President Bush said the 168 victims of the bombing “have been given not vengeance,but justice,”but said Timothy McVeign s death “cannot recover the loss”of the families.(CNN),.,The five Ws and H( Focal points ) 1、whowhatwherewhenwhyhow. 2、 Identifying the Ws and H 3、 Rating the Ws and H,The Thought Process Behind the Lead,Example,原稿: 今年本市将不会增加财产税。即使联邦社区发展基金损失3百万,本市仍然将重建市中心人行道,市长凯斯周一说。 但是,市长说为了支付这个工程将增加营业税。“如果我们不能找到替代资金,将试图提高营业税至少一年。”凯斯在新闻发布会上说。 新的导语是: 凯斯市长周一说今年本市将不会增加财产税来弥补联邦资金短缺,但是可能要提高营业税。 “我们原计划花费3百万用于社区发展计划,重建市中心人行道”,雷帝在市政厅新闻发布会上说:“今年我们将继续进行人行道工程,但不会增加财产税来资助这一工程。”,Writing a Summary Lead,A. How Many Words? Use a single sentence of no more than 35 words to summarize an event. 例1:一句话导语 美联社1945年8月14日电 日本投降了! Cut out unnecessary adjectives. Cut out unnecessary information,example,Two women were injured and part of Michigan Avenue was closed for nearly seven hours Saturday when a three alarm fire at a high-rise construction site set off a series of explosions that sent metal and other debris flying across the Magnificent Mile. How to cut out unnecessary adjectives? How to cut out unnecessary information?,Two women were injured and part of Michigan Avenue was closed for nearly sever hours Saturday when a three alarm fire at a (high-rise) construction site (set off a series of explosions that sent metal and other debris flying across the Magnificent Mile.) 周六一座高层大楼内发生三级火灾引起了一系列爆炸,金属和其他碎物在黄金英里地段上空飞舞,致使两名妇女受伤,密歇根大街部分地段关闭近7小时.,B. Avoiding Clutter leads 避免杂乱导语,科雷的律师已要求北安普敦县法院推翻对梅韦泽的一级谋杀的量刑定罪以及终生监禁的判决.这名来自纽约布鲁克林的男子因为两年前在伊斯敦折磨并谋杀一个来自长岛的13岁的逃犯而被判刑. 怎么改得更简短?,C. Avoiding Buried Leads 避免埋葬新闻导语,The International Olympic Committee meeting was hold in Moscow Friday. The governors from Beijing Toronto, Istanbul, Paris and Osaka were at meeting. The International Olympic Committee meeting in Moscow Friday announced that Beijing has won the honor of hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics. .本报讯 在昨天市政府常务会议上,市农办主任白有光汇报了京郊北部山区严重受灾和抗灾斗争情况. 本报讯 一场百年不遇的特大暴雨6至11日袭击了京郊西部与北部地区。密云、怀柔两县交界处雨量最大,造成10万民众受灾,22人死亡,6人失踪,被毁农田达数万亩。,*D. Determining the Focal Point,1.Who: Federal Highway Administration Chief Rodney Slater said in Oakland yesterday that proposed cuts in federal transit financing would have “a significant impact on mass transit in the Bay Area.”,2.what The UAWs top negotiator in the Flint labor dispute said the strikes against General Motors Corp.could last into september. 3.Where Ten state and federal investigators fanned out yesterday across south-central Pennsylvania searching poultry farms for signs that an out break of potentially devastating avian influenza in Maryland had come from or spread to this state.,4.When Form December to February,the Earths frigid underbelly ,Antarctica,makes itself habitable. 5.why After less than two years on the job,Mansfield Area Chamber of Commerce President Letatia Teykl is leaving to pursue a higher-paying position.”Its a career move,” Teykl ,36,said Wednesday. 6.how,例1:何人:联邦高速公路管理局主席罗迪昨天说削减联邦运输资金的提议,将对海湾地区的大众运输产生重要影响。 例2:何事:美国汽车联合工会首席谈判代表在弗林特劳工大会上说针对通用汽车公司的罢工将持续到9月。 例3:何处:10个州和联邦检查员昨天分散检查了南部中心的宾夕法尼亚州家禽农场,以确定在马里兰爆发的破坏性禽流感是否有扩散到这个州的迹象。 例4:何时:从12到2月,地球严寒的腹地南极洲是可居住的。 例5:为什么:工作快两年后,曼斯菲尔德地区议院商业长官特克辞职寻求更高薪的工作。“这是一个职业变动”,36岁的特克周三说。,E. Positioning the Time Element:best place to put the when of a sentence is right after the verb, but sometimes a “comfortable” spot must be found. “何时”要素基本原理:寻找最近点 1、导语中安排的何时要素,应是新闻事件发展过程中的“某一点”,而不是一段时间:如“浙江省今年农业获得丰收”、“香港回归以来”,这样的时间段不宜放在导语中 2、这个时间点应该是距离报道时间最近的点 反例:“近年来,网吧发展十分迅速。去年底我国共有11万家有牌照并且正在营业的网吧。昨天,文化部公布了中国网吧产业调查报告。本次调查是迄今为止规模最大的全国性网吧产业调查。”,F.writing in the active voice,非行动性导语:北京市政府今天就城市规划和外来流动人口召开会议 行动性导语;北京市政府今天决定把外来人口就业数量限制在100万 非行动性导语:全国人大九届四次会议今天在京隆重闭幕 行动性导语:全国人大今天修改婚姻法,未结婚人员同居将会受到通奸罪指控 行动性导语中的主要动词,必须是新闻动词,是新闻中的主要事件。例如: 中国外交部今天对印尼局势表示关注(非行动导语,关注不是新闻动词) 印尼排华迫使中国决定大批撤离驻印尼的华侨(新闻动词是撤离),
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