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Unit 5 Listening &Speaking,Made by Ring,1. Suppose you will make an appointment with somebody, discuss with your partner what steps you will have to take. List them below.,Step 1 _ Step 2 _ Step 3 _,Talk about whats going to be decided.,Set a time.,Set a place.,when making appointment with somebody, you need to decide on the time and the place to meet with each other and some other details on the meeting itself.,Tips: pay attention to the following. 1. numbers and time. 2. characters, their names and their relationship.,Before listening,2. Listen to the dialogue and complete each of the following statements.,1) Mr. Hopkins telephone number is _A.68253215 B.68252315 C.68523215 2) The relationship between Mr. Hopkins and George Brown is that of _.A. teacher-student B. student-student C. student-teacher,3) If George Brown wants to join the art club, he will have to have _.A. money B. a BA degree C. qualifications 4) Mr. Hopkins and George Brown will meet at _ next Tuesday afternoon.A. 4:03 B. 4:13 C. 4:30 5) When they meet each other, they will_.A. have other problems B. talk about the details C. have a drink,3. Listen to the dialogue again and write down the questions mentioned in the dialogue.,1)_ 2)_ 3)_ 4)_ 5)_ 6)_,Who is it ?,May I ask you a question ?,What is it ?,Can I?,What should I do?,How about 4:30 ?,Questions are usually related to the six “w”s, that is: who, what, which, why, when and how. So when you are trying to write down questions, pay special attention to the points related to the six “W”s.,4.Retell the dialogue,According to what you hear in Ex.2 and Ex.3, try to retell the dialogue in your own words.,5. Make an appointment with your partner by following the dialogue. You may use the expressions or structures in the table.,Performance,Here are two situations. For each situation, prepare a role play with your partner and try to use the useful expressions to express your ideas.,Situation 1 You want to make an appointment with your teacher on Sunday.,Situation 2 Your friend makes an appointment with youtomorrow, but youre not free and want him to change the time.,Homework,Write a letter to tell a friend how to make an appointment.,Thank you so much for today. Goodbye!,
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