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2015 四川岳池县高考英语阅读理解练习(3)及答案阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A,B,C 或 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Eating foods high in trans-fats (fats present in artificial form in industrially-produced cakes and fast food.) and saturated (饱和的) fats increases the risk of depression, according to a Spanish study, confirming previous studies that linked “junk food” with the disease. Researchers also showed that some products, such as olive oil, can fight against the risk of mental illness. Authors of the wide-reaching study, from the universities of Navarra and Las Palmas, followed and analyzed the diet and lifestyle of over l2,000 volunteers over six years. When the study began, none of the participants had been diagnosed with depression; by the end, 657 of them were new sufferers. “Participants with an increased consumption of trans-fats presented up to a 48 percent increase in the risk of depression when they were compared to participants who did not consume these fats,” the head study author said. “The more trans-fats were consumed, the greater harmful effect they produced in the volunteers.” The research team found, at the same time, that after assessing the effect of polyunsaturated fats made up of larger amounts of fish and vegetable oils and olive oil, these products are associated with a lower risk of suffering depression. The report, published in the online journal PLOS ONE, noted the research was performed on a European population that enjoys a relatively low intake of trans-fatsmaking up only 0.4 percent of the total energy taken in by the volunteers. “Despite this, we observed an increase in the risk of suffering depression of nearly 50 percent,” said researcher Miguel Martinez. “On this basis we think it of great importance to take this effect into account in countries like the United States, where the percentage of energy derived from these fats is around 2.5 percent.” The report pointed out that the current number of depression sufferers in the world is around l50 million people, and has increased in recent years. This rise is attributable, according to the authors, “to great changes in the sources of fats consumed in Western diets, where we have replaced certain types of beneficial fats in nuts, vegetable oils and fish with the saturated and trans-fats found in meats, butter and other products such as mass-produced cakes and fast food.” 1. What s the best title of the text? A. Junk Food and Depression B. Depression PreventionC. Types of Fats and Depression D. Depression Research2. Which of the following increases the risk of suffering depression? A. Fish. B. Vegetable oil. C. Olive oil. D. Butter. 3. The study tells us that _. A. 2.5% Americans suffer mental illnessB. l2,000 volunteers in Navarra took partC. a minority of participants became new sufferersD. l50 million Europeans enjoy a healthier lifestyle4. The underlined word “derived” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to_. A. obtained B. chosen C. separated D. preserved5. More and more Westerners are suffering depression because_. A. they have less time for exerciseB. they eat more nuts, vegetable oils and fishC. the sources of fats in their diets have changedD. less meat, butter, and cakes are included in their diets【参考答案】15、ADCAC 【广东省广东省 2012 届高三考前冲刺卷届高三考前冲刺卷(六六)】阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A,B,C 或 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。By analyzing the DNA of the worlds oldest people,Boston University scientists said they have discovered a genetic signature(特征)of longevity.They expect soon to offer a test that could let people learn whether they can live to a very old age.The researchers said they had no plans to patent the technique or profit from it.Instead,they expect to make a free test available on the Internet later this month to promote longevity research.The test might show something that people wouldnt like to know,the BU scientists warned.Genetic testing often reveals attractive but incomplete information,and it is sometimes difficult to know how to respond.People with genes for extreme longevity could face a series of difficult decisions about their careers,retirement savings,insurance coverage,medical treatments and marriages in old age.Scientists have long sought to crack the genetic code of healthy aging.On average,people in developed countries can expect to live between 80 and 85 years,largely as a result of improvements in diet and public health.But the oldest of the oldthe “wellderly”live two to three decades longer,often free of mental and physical diseases.The free test will be available through a public website maintained by the New England Centenarian Study.But to take the test,people will have to provide their own complete genomewhich currently can cost thousands of dollars from gene-sequencing companies.36Whats the best title of the text?ANew Discovery of Long LifeBNew Functions of DNA on Long LifeCScientists Invented Genes For LongevityDThe Discovery of the Genetic Code of Healthy Aging37The scientists started the program to _
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