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2015 山东省济南市高考英语单项选择及阅读理一轮巩固练习(山东省济南市高考英语单项选择及阅读理一轮巩固练习(5)及答案)及答案单项选择。1. Because of the unexpected changes, they postponed _us an answer.A. giving B. have given C. to give D. to have given2. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than_in the public mind today.A. exists B. exist C. exiting D. to exist3. As a _actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.A. flexible B. versatile C. sophisticated D. productive4. He was _to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table.A. dragged B. tempted C. elicited D. attracted5. The new teacher was very nervous _she was well prepared.A. despite B. unless C. even D. even though6. The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in _again next spring.A. assembly B. session C. conference D. convention7. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th_the birth of Jesus Christ.A. in accordance with B. in terms of C. in favor of D. in honor of8. Since it is too late to change my mind now, I am_ to carrying out the plan.A. obliged B. committed C. engaged D. resolved9. It was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it_ as well as we had hoped.A. came off B. went off C. brought out D. make out10. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must_ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world-market demand.A. improve B. enhance C. guarantee D. gear1答案 A。postpone 延缓,耽搁,后接动名词作宾语。2答案 A。表示比较的 than 在这里是一个关系代词,在从句中作主语。3答案 B。versatile 多才多艺的。flexible 意为“灵活的,可变通的”,例如:My holiday plans are very flexible我的假期计划很灵活。sophisticated 意为“复杂的,尖端的”。productive 意为“富饶的,多产的”。4答案 l B。tempt 意为“引诱,诱惑”。attract 意为“吸引”。drag 意为“拖,拉”。elicit 意为“引出,推导出”。5答案 D。此题考查从属连词的使用。从题干中可以看出此空应有“尽管:虽然”之意,A 项 despite 有此意,但它却是一个介词,不能引导一个从句。B 项 unless 用来引导一个条件状语从句,相当于 if not,与题意不符。C 项 even 是一个副词,不能引导从句,只有 D 项 even though 可以引导让步状语从句,符合题。6答案 B。in session 议会开会期间。7答案 D。in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ 为了庆祝基督的诞生。8答案 B。be committed to doing sth致力于做某事。9答案 A。came off 实现,went off 消失,brought out 生产,make out 进展。10答案 D,gear.to.根据调整,improve,enhance 两个单词与 varieties 搭配都不恰当,guarantee 也不能与 varieties 搭配,阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A,B,C 或 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Eating foods high in trans-fats (fats present in artificial form in industrially-produced cakes and fast food.) and saturated (饱和的) fats increases the risk of depression, according to a Spanish study, confirming previous studies that linked “junk food” with the disease. Researchers also showed that some products, such as olive oil, can fight against the risk of mental illness. Authors of the wide-reaching study, from the universities of Navarra and Las Palmas, followed and analyzed the diet and lifestyle of over l2,000 volunteers over six years. When the study began, none of the participants had been diagnosed with depression; by the end, 657 of them were new sufferers. “Participants with an increased consumption of trans-fats presented up to a 48 percent increase in the risk of depression when they were compared to participants who did not consume these fats,” the head study author said. “The more trans-fats were consumed, the greater harmful effect they produced in the volunteers.” The research team found, at the same time, that after assessing the effect of polyunsaturated fats made up of larger amounts of fish and vegetable oils and olive oil, these products are associated with a lower risk of suffering depression. The report, published in the online journal PLOS ONE, noted the research was performed on a European population that enjoys a relatively low intake of trans-fatsmaking up only 0.4 percent of the total energy taken in by the volunteers. “Despite this, we observed an increase in the risk of suffering depression of nearly 50 percent,” said researcher Miguel Martinez. “On this basis we think it of great importance to take this effect into account in countries like the United States, where the percentage of energy derived from these fats is around 2.5 percent.” The report pointed out that the current number of depression sufferers in the world is around l50 million people, and has increased in recent years. This rise is attributable, according to the authors, “to great changes in the sources of fats consumed in Western diets, where we have replaced certain types of beneficial fats in nuts, vegetable oils and fish with the saturated and trans-fats found in meats, butter and other products such as mass-produced cakes and fast food.” 1. What s the best title of the text? A. Jun
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