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2015 高考英语人教版一轮复习导学案(讲解及解析答案)高考英语人教版一轮复习导学案(讲解及解析答案)B3 U3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note【高考观摩高考观摩】【2014【2014 高考英语东莞市模拟试题高考英语东莞市模拟试题】读写任务(共读写任务(共 1 小题,满分小题,满分 25 分)分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。No wonder English poses (构成) such a challenge to non-native speakers. This most global of languages has more words than any other, over 1 million according to the Global Language Monitor. Out of this number, the average American college student has mastered between 8, 00015, 000. Realizing that words are the building blocks of language, many Chinese students try hard to catch up. They make out long lists of wordsoften in alphabetical orderand simply memorize their definitions(释义) and Chinese meanings. The bad news is that definition memorization does them little good when it comes to college entrance tests like the SATs. For these tests, a student needs to understand, not simply parrot words studied. The good news is that there are better ways to build an academic English vocabulary. One of them is: Vocabulary learning system The first thing to do is to develop an organized, but easy means of collecting and learning new words. We recommend a card system that includes the following information: Word-Simple Definition in English-Phrase or Sentence-Related Words-Synonyms (同义词) and Antonyms (反义词) - with a Chinese translation on the reverse (背面) of the card. The advantage of this system is that with a single card, a student can learn not just one word but a group of related words. Keep your cards on a detachable (可分离的) metal ring, so you can carry them around and add to your collection daily. 【写作内容】1. 以约 30 个词概括以上短文的主要内容;2. 然后以约 120 个词以“有什么记单词的好办法? ”为主题写一篇短文,并包括如下要点:1)举例说明你的英语老师教给你某种记忆单词的好方法; 2)说明好的记忆单词方法的重要性;3)为应对高考你将如何加强单词记忆?【写作要求】1. 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用阅读材料中的句子;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。【参考范文】读写任务In the passage the author tells us some bad and poor ways of memorizing English vocabulary and advises a vocabulary learning system, which enables students to learn a group of related words. Since I entered school, my teachers have told me a lot of methods of memorizing English vocabulary. Association is a method with which we can think about a word from one to another. For example we want to memorize the word “tree”, do not remember t-r-e-e so far. We should enlarge it to the following: stick, branch, trunk, stem, leaf, shoot, root, in the tree, on the tree, pine tree, apple tree, etc By this means, we can associate many separate words and expressions, and the result will be much better. If we have mastered good methods of learning English words, we can enlarge a greater number of them by using less time, and thus get twice the result with half the effort. We can also improve the learning efficiency. As a senior 3 student, in order to cope with the college entrance exam, I need to strengthen the memorization of English vocabulary since we can easily forget what we have learned. I will try to use all sorts of methods to help myself to memorize all the required vocabulary. Only in this way can I get a high mark in the college entrance exam.语境填词 1It was _(难以置信的)that the girl was fond of _(冒险) 2I know the _(作者)of the _(小说),who used to be a teacher. 3Those boys were _(粗鲁的)to the speaker.They _(尖声叫)and shouted as he was speaking.4The pupils were _(确定)good _(礼貌)They _(鞠躬)to the teachers when they met them. 5He _(漫步) out of the shop,with an _(信封) in his hand. .选词填空 on the contrary,take a chance,by accident,stare at,as for,in rags 1I havent finished the task._,I have just begun. 2He _ me,as if he didnt know me. 3The man _ begged from door to door. 4_ me,I dont like his songs at all. 5How did you find this important letter? Quite _. 6The rope might break,but thats _ well have to _. .完成句子 1请问我是否能用一下你的电脑。 _ I can use your computer. 2他刚上床睡觉,这时电话铃响了。 He had just gone to bed _. 3我的愿望是将来我能出国学习。 My wish is _ in the future. 4恐怕我不能设法完成这项任务。 _ to finish the task. 5众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。 _ China is a developing country. .单项填空 1I dont object to what she said,but I strongly disapprove of her _ of saying it. Amethod Bmanner Cvoice Dnoise 2Ill look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little _. Await Btime Cpatience Drest 3Its best to cook vegetables in a small _ of water. Aamount Bnumber Csum Dpiece 4Im sorry,my mind was _.What did you say? Amissing Blosing Cwandering Dgoing 5You should never _ chances when driving. Amake Bh
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