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2015 河南郑州市高考英语优生自选练习(2)及答案【2015 高考】完形填空Susan was a shy but clever girl.She couldnt see too well and had worn glasses for many years.Some of her classmates began to_16_at her big glasses.Lewis started calling her“Four Eyes”She acted like she didnt mind,but in fact Susan couldnt_17_it.One day,the class went to visit some famous caves,when Lewis put his foot in a hole and slipped.While_18_,he grabbed onto Susan,who was walking next to him,and both fell down the hole and landed in a very big_19_cave.All that could be seen was a single ray of light coming from the cave roof,and some_20_which had fallen through the hole.Susan and Lewis shouted for help,but no one came.He used the_21_light to look for a way out.But after hours of_22_,he found nothing,and started feeling_23_.It must have been_24_,when Susan noticed that the ray of light was descending from the hole in a straight line,and_25_on the floor in front of her._26_,she took a piece of_27_that had fallen into the cave,and,using her_28_as a magnifying glass,she_29_the ray of light on to the wood until a little_30_sprang up.Now they had a torch.Lewis watched all this with surprise and_31_.He grabbed some more branches,and off they went together,to_32_the cave.It took them some time,and they had to_33_quite a few torches,but finally they found a way out.He now_34_having given her that name,_35_seeing that it was her glasses that had saved them both.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。聪明而腼腆的 Susan 因为戴眼镜而受到同学的嘲笑。但在一次班级出游中,嘲笑她的同学 Lewis 和 Susan 一同掉进了一个漆黑的洞穴中,是 Susan用自己的眼镜聚集太阳光点燃了洞里的枯树枝两人才得以走出洞穴。16A.shout Blaugh Cpoint Dglance答案 B B 从后一句“Lewis started calling herFour Eyes”可知,同学们开始嘲笑 Susan 戴眼镜。laugh at“嘲笑。 ”17A.stand Bunderstand Cresist Dstop答案 A 根据前句和转折词可知,Susan 表面不在乎别人的嘲笑,但事实上难以忍受。stand“容忍,忍受”,符合语境。18A.passing Bwalking Ccrying Dfalling答案 D Lewis 在滑倒的时候抓住了走在他旁边的 Susan。由语境可知 D 项正确。19A.narrow Bempty Cdark Dcold答案 C 从下句只能看到从洞顶射进来的一束光和后文两人用火把照明可知,山洞里非常黑。20A.branches Bstones Cleaves Dfruits答案 A 从后文 Susan 用树枝做火把可知,有些树枝掉到了洞中。21A.natural Bstrong Cartificial Dweak答案 D 从前文可知,只有一缕阳光照进洞中,由此可知光线很微弱。22A.waiting Bsearching Cplanning Dtalking答案 B Lewis 试图借着光亮寻找出去的路,但是经过几个小时的寻找,并没有找到出口。23A.annoyed Bstarved Cfrightened Dpuzzled答案 C 经过几个小时的寻找仍未找到出口,他开始感到害怕。24A.noon Bsupper timeCearly morning Dlate afternoon答案 A 阳光直射在洞中,由此判断此时已经是中午了。25A.shining Breflecting Cspreading Dlanding答案 D 从时间到了中午这一细节可知,阳光从洞口射入,落在地面上。land“落下,掉下”,符合语境。26A.Slowly BQuickly CQuietly DFinally答案 B Susan 很快拿起了一块掉在山洞里的木头。故 B 项正确,其他三项均不符合语境。27A.rock Bgrass Cwood Dpaper答案 C 后文有提示,Susan 用树枝做成了火把,因此此处指“木头”。28A.keys Bshoes Cglasses Dknives答案 C 从本文最后一句可知,正是 Susan 的眼镜救了两人的命,因此此处指她将眼镜用作放大镜来点燃木头。29A.collected Bfocused Cplaced Dpoured答案 B 由语境可知,此处指她用眼镜把阳光聚集在木头上。focus“集中(光束于)”,符合语境。30A.air Bsmoke Clight Dflame答案 D 在阳光的照射下,木头点燃了,出现了小火苗。31A.excitement BshockCwonder Dpride答案 A 看到眼前发生的一切,Lewis 感到既吃惊又兴奋,因为两人可以借助火把找到洞穴的出口了。32A.explode Benlarge Cexplore Ddig答案 C 他又捡了一些树枝,他们一起去探索洞穴。33A.break Bburn Chold Dmake答案 B 两人花费了很长时间,烧掉了好几根火把,但是最终他们找到了出口。34A.preferred BrememberedCenjoyed Dregretted答案 D Susan 的眼镜救了两人的命,因此 Lewis 后悔当初给 Susan 起那个外号。regret doing sth“后悔做了某事”。35A.especially BactuallyCcarefully Dthoroughly答案 A 尤其是当他看到正是她的眼镜救了两人的命。especially“尤其”,符合语境。【由福建省三明市 2014 高考模拟题改编】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 Leaders of the World Health Organization say they are concerned about the air quality andhealth efiects on citizens during a recent outbreak of heavy pollution in BeijingStill,they said theywere unsure of the exact amount the air pollution takes on any persons body,casting doubts on local reports tying the areas dirty air to particular cases of illnessSpeaking at a briefing(情况介绍会)on Tuesday,the WHOs Western Pacific regional director,Shin YoungSoo,cited(列举)reports about poor air quality causing lung cancer in recent weeks. “The WHO is skeptical of the information, ”she said “Were cautious of whether the illness is relatedto air po11ution. We know it has an impact on health,but we dont know how much ”The officials didnt cite particular reportsThe comments follow a number of articles since latelast year connecting some cases of diseases like lung cancer with pollution, including one in November regarding an 8-year-old girlThe health impact of Beijings gray skies has been on the minds of many over the past week。Local authorities on Tuesday preserved an orange alert(警报)一 the citys second highest pollution- warningleveland again warned people to stay indoorsExperts widely agree that small particulates(颗粒) known as PM2.5 carry significant short-and long-term health risks,particularly with childrenOther studies find a certain link between pollution and shorter life spans。Chinese state media have noted a rise in cancer levels in Beijing,without specifying(具体说明) whether the new cases are the main result of polluti
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