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2015 高考英语人教版一轮复习导学案(讲解及解析答案)高考英语人教版一轮复习导学案(讲解及解析答案)B2 U1 Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural relics.语境填词 1The _(本地的) police have found the _(证据)of the case. 2She was _(惊讶的) at the sight of the _(value) diamond necklace. 3The _(接待) room is being _(装修) 4The _(前任的) manager _(挑选) the present manager to succeed him. 5I think its _(值得的)to hold an _(非正式的) talk with them. 6An _(explode) happened at the _(入口) of a hotel. .选词填空 rather than,in search of,serve as, less than,at war,take apart 1She is good at learning languages.She can speak French well in _ two years. 2He _ the clock and found out what was wrong with it. 3The whole family went out _ the lost child. 4In 1942,our country was _ with Japan. 5When you sleep in the open,old newspapers can _ a blanket. 6I think it is you,_ your sister,that are to blame. .完成句子 1刚才老师跟他谈话的那个人是杰克的爸爸。 The man,_ the teacher talked just now,is Jacks father. 2我们钦佩他解决问题的那种方法。 We admire _ he solved the problem. 3她被认为是中国最好的女演员之一。 She was _ one of the best actresses in China. 4毫无疑问中国队将获得比赛的胜利。 _ the Chinese team will win the game. 5中国比亚洲任何其他国家都大。 China is _ than _ in Asia. .单项填空 1Jacks room always has the dusty smell of an apartment whose windows are _ opened. Ararely Bgenerally Capparently Dfrequently 2When Schwarzenegger was going to become the No.1 movie star in Hollywood,the reporter was happy and _. Aamazed Bconfused Cdisappointed Dscared 3I like the _ painting better than the latter. Afront Bahead Cformer Dfirst 4You should spend your time on some _ readings. Aworth Bcost Cworthwhile Dworthy 5They were walking around the town _ a place for the party. (2011江苏扬州中学检测) Ain search of Bsearch Csearching of Dsearched for 6How long have the two countries _ war?Aat Bon Cin Dbetween 7You should get a little sleepy but _ that there should be no side effects. Arather than Bless than Cmore than Dother than 8In the 100metre race,Li Ming ran _ any other athlete in his group. Afastest of Bthe fastest of Cfaster than Dmuch faster 9Since the baby milk powder was found to be polluted,there has been universal doubt _ other food products are safe to eat. Awhether Bthat Cwhat Dhow 10I dont like _ he behaves in public places. Athat Bwhich Cthe way Dthe means1survive v v生存;幸存;生还;比活(或存在)的时间长 _ n幸存者 _ n幸存;残存物 【归纳拓展】 A survive B A 比 B 活得长survive sth.幸免于;从中挺过来survive on 靠存活下来 He died in 1940 but his wife survived him by another 20 years. 他在 1940 年逝世,但他的妻子比他多活了 20 年。 【活学活用】 (1)It is important for government authorities to provide better service for the foreign invested companies _ the economic crisis. 政府机构向国外投资公司提供更好的服务对其渡过经济危机非常重要。 (2)The strongest _.(2010江苏,阅读理解 B) 最强大的生存下来。 (3)Lucy cut down her daily spending in order to_ the financial storm. Aprevent Bsurvive Ckeep Dquit 2remove v v移开,去掉;脱去(衣服等);摘下;去除;解除(职务等) 【归纳拓展】 remove ones coat 脱下大衣remove sb.from his/her position as.撤消某人的职位be removed from 被从中拿走(除掉);将某人免职As nutrients are removed,soil is less fertile.(2009江苏,阅读理解 D) 随着营养物质被移除,土壤不再那么肥沃。 【活学活用】 (1)Reference books may not _ the library. 参考书不可能从图书馆中被拿走。 (2)He _. 他摘下帽子和手套。 (3)Bad habits are not easy to be_;it needs your determination.(2011贵阳市统考) Amoved Bremoved Cgot rid Dreplaced 3worth adjadj.值得的;有价值的 【归纳拓展】 worth 常用作形容词,在句中一般作表语,有时也可用作定语,如:a place worth seeing(值得一看的地方),a dictionary worth $50(一本值 50 美元的词典)等。worth 用作表语时,不能单独使用,其后通常接动词的ing 形式,而不能接动词不定式。worth 后面的动词ing 形式一般用主动形式表示被动意义,而不能直接用被动形式。 (1)That novel is not worth reading. 那部小说不值得一读。 (2)The exhibition is worth a visit. 这展览值得一看。 【活学活用】 (1)The teacher must have thought Johnson _ it or she wouldnt have wasted time on him,I suppose.(2007安徽,23) 我猜老师一定认为约翰逊值得她那样做,否则她就不会在他身上浪费时间。 (2)The problem he put forth at the meeting was_.Which of the following is NOT true? Aworth thinking over Bworthy to consider Cworthy of being thought over Dworthy to be thought over4.design n.n. & & v v设计;图案;构思 【归纳拓展】 design sth.for.指定某物作某用途be designed for/as.被打算用来作be designed to do sth.被打算做;目的是by design 故意地Business students designed the paychecks.(2010全国卷,阅读理解 B) 商学院的学生设计了工资支票。 【活学活用】 (1)She arrived just as we were leaving,but whether this was by accident or _ Im not sure.她刚好在我们正要离开的时候到达,但我不能肯定这是出于偶 然还是有意的。
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