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2015 高考英语重大版一轮复习题库:必修高考英语重大版一轮复习题库:必修 4 Unit 2(附解析答案)(附解析答案)Unit 2 Working the land.单项填空1My sister,_ for months to find a job as a teacher, finally took a position in Wenzhou Daily.Astruggling BstruggledCto struggle Dhaving struggled解析 考查非谓语动词。struggle 与 my sister 之间是主动关系,且有 for months 可知struggle 这一动作已经存在一段时间,故应用现在分词的完成式作状语,修饰 my sister。答案 D2Dina,_for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency.Astruggling BstruggledChaving struggled Dto struggle解析 考查非谓语动词作定语。句意:Dina,奋斗了几个月,想找个做女服务员的工作,最后在当地一家广告社谋到了一个职位。因 Dina 与 struggle 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,且 struggle 发生在 took 之前,故用现在分词的完成时态作定语。答案 C3 Ill help you prepare for the party on Wednesday. Please dont_.My sisters have promised to help me.Apromise Bannoy Cbother Ddisturb解析 考查动词词义辨析。promise 答应;承诺;annoy 使恼怒;使生气;bother 费心;麻烦;disturb 妨碍;打搅。由句意“请不必费心,我的姐妹们已经答应来帮我了”可知应选 C 项。答案 C4 As a weightlifting athlete, Thomas is indeed too large, I think. But_that, he is still one of the best athletes at present.Ain case of Bin spite ofCthanks to Din response to解析 考查短语辨析。A 项意为“万一;以防万一”;B 项意为“尽管如此”;C 项意为“幸亏;由于”;D 项意为响应;反应”。(“对)答案 B5Troubled by a terrible headache, Catherine wondered how she could_herself of the bad situation.Athrow Bremove Cmove Drid解析 考查动词词义辨析。throw 扔;投;remove 搬开;挪开;move 移动;搬动;rid 去掉;除掉。rid sb of sth“给某人去掉某物”。答案 D6In April,2009,President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao,_the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.Amarking Bto markCbeing marked Dhaving marked解析 此题考查非谓语动词。mark 和“President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao”之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故选 A。答案 A7It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money _favors to them.Ain preference to Bin place ofCin agreement with D in exchange for解析 考查介词短语的用法。句意:公职人员向人们索要礼品或金钱作为给人们带来恩惠的交换是非法的。A.“优先于”;B.“代替”;C.“同意,赞同,与一致”;D.“作为交换”。由题干和四个介词短语的含义可知,D 项正确。答案 D8The company_only when it gets orders from a foreign country.Aimports Bexports Ctransports Ddeports解析 句意:只有当这个公司从国外得到订单时,才出口。export 出口;import 进口;transport 运输;deport 驱逐(出境)。答案 B9The meeting_tomorrow afternoon is about _rid of pollution.Aheld;to get Bto be held;gettingCto hold;to get Dbeing held;getting解析 第一空 hold 与其逻辑主语 the meeting 之间是被动关系,因此用不定式的被动式表将来;第二空 get rid of“阻止,除掉”作介词 about 的宾语,因此用动名词形式。句意:明天下午举行的会议是关于制止污染问题的。答案 B10Progress so far has been very good,_,we are sure that the project will be completed on time.Ahowever Botherwise Ctherefore Dbesides解析 句意:迄今为止,进展很顺利,因此,我们肯定项目能按时完成。两个分句是因果关系。however 无论如何,不管怎样,然而;otherwise 另外,否则;therefore 因此,所以;besides 此外,除此之外。答案 C11She thought I was praising her son,_as a matter of fact,I was scolding him for his bad behaviours at school.Awhile Btherefore Cwhich Dso that解析 句意:她认为我在表扬她儿子,其实不然,我倒是在批评他在学校的不良行为。用 while 表示转折。答案 A12There was a_look on his face when he met with the_problem.Aconfusing;confusing Bconfused;confusedCconfusing;confused Dconfused;confusing解析 本题第二个空比较简单,选 confusing 表示“令人困惑的(难题)”。第一个空往往也受此影响误选 confusing,再加上 confused 多用来指人,选错的可能性就会更大。确定第一个空的关键:confusing look 是令别人困惑的一种表情;而 confused look 是当事人内心感到困惑时流露出的表情。答案 D13The final exam is coming.Would you mind my staying up late,going over my lessons?Id rather you_.With the light on,I cant fall asleep.Adont Bdidnt Cwont Dhavent解析 “would rather从句”时,从句的主语与主句主语不一致时,从句中的谓语动词若表示同现在事实相反,则应用一般过去时。答案 B14Do you regret_2,000 yuan for the trip?No.I would gladly have paid_for it.Ato pay;twice so muchBto have paid;as much twiceCpaying;twice as muchDhaving paid;so much twice解析 由句意可知, “我”的两千元早已经付了,因此回答表示“不懊悔。我愿意付两倍的钱”。regret 接动词ing 形式时,表示“后悔已经做过的事情”;as much 修饰倍数时,应该把倍数放在前面。答案 C15People believe that we_a special ability to learn language and that our brain_itself to the language we heard around us.Aare prepared for;adjustsBare equipped for;adaptsCare armed with;fitsDare equipped with;adjusts解析 句意:人们认为我们具备特别的语言学习能力,并且我们的大脑也适应了我们所听到的周围的语言。be prepared for 和 be equipped for 意为“为做好准备”,不符合句意;be armed with 和 be equipped with 意为“用武装好自己;具备”,符合句意。adjust(oneself)to 意为“(使)适应”。答案 D.阅读理解AAreas of Tokyo which had usually been packed with office workers like sushi(寿司) restaurants and noodle shops were unusually quiet. Many schools were closed. Companies allowed workers to stay home. Long queues formed at airports.As Japanese authorities struggled to avoid disaster at an earthquakebattered nuclear plant 240 km to the north, parts of Tokyo resembled a ghost town. Many people stocked up on food and stayed indoors or simply left, transforming one of the worlds biggest and most populated cities into a shell of its usual self.“Look, its like Sunday no cars in town, ” said Kazushi Arisawa, a 62yearold taxi driver, as he waited for more than an hour outside an office tower where he usually finds customers within minutes. “I cant make money today. ”Radiation in Tokyo has been neglig
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