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八年级英语冀教版上,Lesson 53,Teaching aims,1.Vocabulary:build, wood, glue, field, land, join, club, member, compete, prize, join a club, eitheror 2.Sentence Patterns:What do I do with my rockets?Ive been launching rockets for two years.This year I joined a rocket club in my city.Then I either lose or break them.,Step1: discuss,Talk about the questions:,Whats this ? Have you ever seen a rocketbefore?,This rocket is about one metre tall. I also have a rocket thats 1.8metres tall.,Step 2:,Listen and answer .,Listen to the tape with the following questions:1. Whats Pauls rocket made of ?2. How many rockets has Paul built ?3. How long has Paul been launching rockets?,Step 2:,Listen and answer .,Listen to the tape with the following questions:1. Whats Pauls rocket made of ?Its made of wood and cardboard.2. How many rockets has Paul built ?Ten rockets.3. How long has Paul been launching rockets?For two years.,Step 3:,Read and discuss,Read the text and discuss the words , phrases and sentences in the text. If you have some problems ,please put up your hands.,This rocket is about one metre tall. 这枚火箭约一米高。这是一个用来描述人或物之性质的句型。其常见结构是:人/物+be+数词+量词+形容词。例如: The river is 1000 metres long. 这条河长1000米。,重点句子解析,What can I do with my rockets? 我可以用我的火箭干什么呢? do with 表示“处理、处置、对付”,通常和疑问词what连用;而deal with含义与之相同,但通常与疑问词how连用。例如:What did you do with the watch you picked up? 你拾到的表怎样处理了? I dont know how to deal with the bike. 我不知道怎样处理这辆自行车。,Step 4:,Key words,build,动词,建造eg: Theyve built a new bridgeacross the river. 建立,建设 eg: The government is trying to build a more modern society.,building,名词,建筑物 eg: There are a lot of very old buildings in this city.,wood: n. a piece of woodThe boat is made of wood.wooden: adj. This is a wooden bed. woods : n. It is lovely walking in the woods.,glue: v./n. 1.Can you glue the broken vase together? 2.His eyes were glued to the television. 3.I need a bottle of glue.,field: n. 1.They were working in the cotton fields. 2.He made a lot of money in the gold fieldsof South Africa . 3.He is an excellent scholar in the field of language.,land : 1.Most mammals live on land. 2.He owns 300 acres of land .,join : v. 1.Will you join us for dinner? 2.Lets join the singing club. 3. Would you like to join the Party? join也可用作不及物动词,通常与介词in连用表 示“加入(某一具体的活动)”。 例如:I hope he can join in the dancing.,take part in: 1.Are you going to take part in the first experiment? 2.I want to take part in running. 3.lets take part in this activity.,prize:1.His poem won the first prize in the contest.2.To some men wealth is the greatest prize in life.,compete : v. Competition v. 1.We can compete with the best teams. 2.My handwriting cannot compete with his.,1. Ive been launching rockets fortwo years .,have been doing sth. 是现在完成进 行时,表示动作从过去延续至今,一 直在进行中.eg: I have been learning English for 8 years.,4. Then I either lose or break them .,either or意为 “要么要么” 表示两者中选择一个.在连接并列主语 时,谓语动词依就近原则. eg:You can eat either apples or oranges. Either you or I am right.Either he or you are right.,She is either drunk or mad.,Step 6:,Read and retell,Read the text carefully and then retell the text in your own words.,Step 7: Summary,Key words and sentences:build, wood, glue, field, land, join, club, member, compete, prize, join a club, eitheror What do I do with my rockets?Ive been launching rockets for two years.This year I joined a rocket club in my city.Then I either lose or break them.,Hit Straight Tests,( ) 1. The desk is _wood . A. made in B. made from C. made of D. made for ( ) 2. Pauls rocket landed _some trees .A. on B. in C. at D. with ( ) 3. Ive been _English for 3 years .A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learnt ( ) 4. Rockets are fun _,its very exciting .A. build B. to build C. built D. building ( ) 5. He is lazy. He _watches TV _ sleepsevery day.A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; or D. either; nor,C,B,C,B,A,BYE-BYE THANK YOU,; http:/www.ag2855.com/ AG亚游集团 orz81msr 家上坟啊!”李老乡夫妻听着这些真诚的话语,俩人的眼圈一阵阵发红。李妻对丈夫说:“我说也是,你就不要犹豫了。麻烦弟弟妹妹们绕些路去给爹娘上上坟,说说话,不就了了你这做儿子的心愿了嘛!”看李老乡还在犹豫,耿正果断地说:“叔,就这么定了,我们一定要去给爷爷奶奶上坟的!您告诉我们坟地的确切位置就行了,或者我们进了村子以后,请知道的人给带个路也行!”李老乡感激地说:“那就有劳你们了!我父母的坟其实很好找的,就在村子西南的南北大路边上。我想一想,是在大路的西边,距离大路两丈多远的样子。砖砌圆顶,挺气派的,老远就可以看到。我最后一次离开的时候,不知道回了多少次头啊!唉,快五年了。走之前,我还在坟后的两侧各栽种了一棵三尺高的小松树呢,只是不知道是否成活了。在爹娘的坟前,摆着一个用青石打造的供桌,坟头面向东南,为得是我们能够遥遥相望。墓碑我选的是少见的黑色花岗岩,左下侧有我的名字,你们一看便知,不会错的。至于具体地址,你们知道的,就在县城正北二里远的李家庄。”耿正兄妹三人将李老乡说的话牢牢地记在心里。耿英略想一想,轻轻地问:“叔,婶子,这祭祀的用品是按照咱们老家的习俗呢,还是按照这里的?”李老乡说:“老家和杭州,这祭祀用品差不太多的。你们准备哪天动身回家?”耿正说:“我们准备后儿个一早出发!”李老乡说:“这样吧,我明儿个晚上还想去你们的住处一趟呢。咱们再唠一会儿嗑,顺便带去亲手为爹娘买的各种祭祀品!”耿正兄妹三人非常理解李老乡的心情,都连连点头答应。李老乡又问:“这路途很遥远呢,你们可准备了车马?怎么带细软?”耿正说:“您来看了便知。我们走之前不想声张了。上月的房租我已经交清,这几天的租金,麻烦您等我们走了之后再与房东按照半月价结算吧,走之前我将租金留下就是了。”次日一早,耿正和耿直就去不远处的骡马车市上去了。在这个挺大的市场上,兄弟俩很快就买到了一头高大健壮,纯白色皮毛的骡子和一挂尺寸很大,并且带有一个宽大车棚的平板车。为这头骡子配好马鞍龙头和驾车辕套,并且备了一些草料,再买上一杆长鞭之后,兄弟二人就赶着骡车转到了寿器铺,在那里买了一口油漆好了的薄皮寿棺、一面招魂幡,以及棺头彩绘和金纸、银纸什么的;另外,又买了一些香火、纸钱、点心、水果等祭祀用品。路过日用杂货店时,耿正让弟弟牵骡子站定了,自己进去买了一把铁锹和两根又粗又长的捅火棍。兄弟俩赶着骡车回到租住小院儿门口时,耿直牵住大白骡,耿正推开门,在门槛儿的里、外两边儿各垫了一个斜坡,然后小心地将骡车赶进了院子里。耿直扶住车辕,耿正将骡子卸了,临时拴在南房里。俩人将平板车支平支稳了,
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