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2010石家庄一模讲评分析 英语部分准定位 高效率 重落实,学情分析:市直属二类重点中学,一摸英语成绩抽样调查(一),一摸英语成绩抽样调查(二),学生暴露主要问题,1.(优秀生)考察能力的题目:(阅读理解,完形) 重视不够,数量不够,耐心细致不够,质量不高。分析、推理、归纳能力欠缺。 2.(中等生)基础知识:不扎实,知识细节记忆欠佳,灵活运用和迁移知识能力有待提高。词汇量有限,知识面较窄,阅读速度上不去。 3.(基础较差生)学习态度:畏难,目标不明确。,教师的困惑讲到了,为什么学生不得分?如何将教学中的重点、难点和盲点讲透,让学生掌握,提高正答率?2.讲与练的时间怎样分配更有效?3.如何提高书面表达?,二轮复习策略解决问题与困惑-做题一、学大纲 精备课 确定指导思想 二、找得分点 专题训练 抓落实(3-5-2) 三、套题练习,幻灯片 12,幻灯片 26,一、学大纲 精备课 确定指导思想1. 要求老师做到 “三有” 有序:紧张而有序地安排复习计划,减少学生复习中的盲目性,脚踏实地跟老师走。 有度:“实事求是” 正视学生实际学习水平,把握试题的 “质度与量度”。有效:教学内容有效 教学方法有效解题方法有效 训练方法有效,2、注重语篇 提炼课本 迁移知识 作用: 培养学生情感,缓释学习紧张程度。熟读语篇, 保持语感, 掌握词汇。 把握文章结构, 指导阅读理解。背诵好段佳句,服务写作(课文)策略: 精选时文,提高学生兴趣。背诵与高考作文相关的课文段落佳句提炼课文精华,重新整合,衔接高考,Book 2B Unit 15 Destination09天津卷 15. This printer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the firstyear, we would repair it at our expense. A. would B. shouldC. could D. might,改编 What I need is a book that contains _ ABC of _ oil painting.; the B. ; an the; an, D. the; ,Book 2A Unit 8 First Aid 09全国2卷 14. What I need is _ book that contains _ ABC of oil painting. a; B. the; C. the; D. a; the,幻灯片 7,二、找得分点 专题训练 抓落实(中差生)单词,单选,作文 (优秀生)完形,阅读,作文,策略: 1.包生到师,加强师生互动,实施情感教育。 2.活跃气氛,丰富学习生活,提高学习兴趣。 3.专题训练,讲究解题技巧与策略。,单词贯穿始终,1.二轮复习,依据高考大纲词汇表2. 缩小范围巩固单词拼写,得分。,策略,归纳具有特殊形式的词汇 掌握构词法知识 坚持小卷勤测单词 注意常用熟词的生义(完形,阅读) 坚持每天阅读 做好自己的 “袖珍字典”,阅读与完形必备 b.书面表达词汇 c. 单词拼写(500-600),抓根本,单选语境化 “十二字”原则: 理解句意 (翻译法解决词汇辨析题) 把握语境 (时态,语态,情态动词,虚拟语气) 考虑语法,重基础,策略:语法知识模式化,6. 一咔嚓(插入语,定语从句,状语从句等冗长成分去掉.),非谓语动词考察 (牢记“三表、一考虑”原则) 定语从句考察 (代 副 介 非) 并列句与定语从句(逗号隔开找连接词) 还原原则(疑问句,强调句,倒装句, 感叹句, 虚拟语气) 补全原则(非谓语动词,定语从句, 省略句),完形填空整体调控做到整体把握,理解语篇话题。瞻前顾后,把握语境细节,引申词汇含义(熟词生意),体会原汁原味英语,理解文化差异。,讲策略,把握语境细节,引申词汇含义 例1. (2010年石家庄一摸)Now I know that through this simple act my father taught us how every _37_ in life has a positive sideif we are _38_ to look at it from another angle. But he also taught us about what really matters in life: _39_, not objectslove, not anger. Love is at the very _40_ of a family.,例2. (09全国I卷)Robert had a good friend named Lloyd, who walked around with the help(50) of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to _51_ such a man in a story.Thus(52) Long John Silver, the pirate with a wooden leg, was _53_.51. A. praise B. produceC. include D. accept53. A. read B. bornC. hired D. written,例3. 安徽(09)without any hesitaton(39), you went over and put _40_ $2 into his hand.When we were leaving, you _41_ threw a five-cent coin onto the pavement and said nothing(42) like,”Some kids will really enjoy finding(43) this.” 40. A. other B. last C. extra D. rest 41. A. again B. already C. only D. also,体会原汁原味英语,理解文化差异 Unit 10 American Literature(课文精华)A Sacrifice for LoveInstead of obeying, Jim threw himself down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled.“Della,” said he, “Lets put our Chritmas presents away and keepem a while. Theyre too nice to use at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. So lets forget about it now and have our dinner, shall we?,阅读理解:持久战+策略,看实效,课堂限时阅读测验(五篇)比较答案(题干,选项,回归原文)反思 方法 理解正确答案得来的过程加强针对性练习,方法,方法,坚持天天阅读直到高考 四篇(优秀生“二精二泛” 20分钟) 二篇(中等生“一精一泛” 10分钟) 一篇(基础较差生“一精” 10分钟) 精读选择05-09年高考真题,方法,阅读时文 提高兴趣 (一摸阅读C篇)教师选材 降低难度 师生互动 不设题目,命题形式,图画类 图表类 提纲类 开放式,体裁分类,议论文 记叙文 应用文 说明文,书面表达训练,2. 写作过程指导 3. 内容细节指导,1. 分类别,出模板句型,规范书面表达 保证基本得分,书 写 规 范 语 气 规 范 语 言 规 范,回归课本 Book 3 Unit 1 The Guinnes Book of World Records American Cyclist Lance Armstrongs story Unit 3 The Portrait of a Nation Australia the location of Australiathe area of Australia the climate of Australia Unit 5 Getting the Message the advantages and disacvantages of ads Unit 8 Learning a foreign languageStudying abroad Unit 15 Popular youth culture Young Volunteers Unit 16 Finding jobs How to apply for a job?,保证句式-分层次指导 优秀生要求:熟记经典句型,变化句式,丰富 表达方式,衔接自然。运用高级词汇, 让文章亮起来。中等生要求:熟练简单句,提升复合句; 长句短句结合;讲究简明扼要,摒弃烦琐 复杂,意思混浊不清。基础较差生:时态准确;熟练运用简单句, 准确运用复合句;用词恰当,简明扼要, 叙述清楚。,幻灯片 6,三、套题练习依据考试大纲选择题目,确保套题的使用 不偏,不怪。高考真题和各地模拟试题相结合查漏补缺。对于学生易错题,更改语境,变化题干,重复训练,提高学生迁移知识的 能力,做到举一反三,触类旁通。,例1(09全国2卷10) All the dishes in this menu, unless otherwise stated, will serve two to three people. 1. otherwise 2. stated 3. serve,例2(08,全国) The road conditions there turned out be very good, _ was more than we could expect. A. it B. what C. which D. that,例3(改编) The road conditions there turned out be very good, _ we had expected. A. it B. what C. as D. that,教师: 精讲 细挑 勤查 学生: 精练 细思 勤复习,精准定位,理想成绩,词汇 造句 成篇 2.抓衔接,用好过渡词 3.保证句式 4.回归课本自主学习。,内容细节指导,再见,
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