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,B R _ main,About the Author,English Poem The Wasted Tears,Origin of Workaholic,Gap Filling,Table Completion,Listening Comprehension,B R _ English Poem _ main,English Poem The Wasted Tears,Enjoy a Poem The Wasted Tears,Questions and Answers,Ellen Goodman (1941 ) was born in Massachusetts and graduated from Radcliffe College. She worked for Newsweek and the Detroit Free Press before joining The Boston Globe in 1967. Her column “At Large” has been widely syndicated since 1976. As an essayist and television commentator, Goodman has discussed feminism, changes in family life, sexual harassment, and male and female relationships. Her essays have been collected in several books, including Close to Home (1979), Turning Points (1979) and At Large (1981).,B R _ About the Author 1,About the Author,B R _ About the Author 2,In 1980, Goodman received the Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Commentary. Among other awards she has won are the American Society of Newspaper Editors Distinguished Writing Award and the Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award. The National Womens Political Caucus gave her the Presidents Award, and the Womens Research and Education Institute presented her with their American Woman Award.,B R _ About the Author 3,B R _ About the Author 4,B R _ About the Author 5,B R _ About the Author 6,They were newly married couple, A few days went on with no . As days passed on, he never turned, While for his love, her heart . She wore daily the best of robes, Diamonds in her ear lobes, But he had his mind on his work. And wasnt to have a look.,B R _ The Wasted Tears 1,The Wasted Tears,by Rajaram Ramachandran,trouble,_,yearned,_,sparkled,_,keen,_,Her heart, one day, nearly , But it was saved from a stroke. With tears she stood before him, He saw her face-glow gone dim. Deeply in his work, He was up to his desk. Elsewhere was his mind The reason for tears to find. Suddenly, his mind woke up. He , drop by drop, In a test tube all her tears, And mixed some .,B R _ The Wasted Tears 2,broke,_,engrossed,_,stuck,_,collected,_,powders,_,B R _ The Wasted Tears 3,Oh, I found out, my dear, It is nothing but saline water. So said the husband, Still tied up, work bound.,scientist,_,B R _ Answer questions,Questions and Answers,1. Why did the newly married wife feel very sad?,Her husband was so engrossed in his work that she felt neglected and lonely.,2. What is her husbands job?,A scientist.,3. What did the husband do with her tears?,He collected all her tears drop by drop in a test tube, mixed some powders and finally found out it was nothing but saline water.,4. Is the husband a workaholic?,Yes, of course.,B R _ Origin of Workaholic 1,Origin of Workaholic,Alcoholic was first attested.,A whole new category of taking “-holic” as a suffix meaning “addict” followed.,In 1968,“Workaholic” was first announced.,B R _ Origin of Workaholic 2,In 1971,The use of workaholic prompted many writers to start using the suffixes “-aholic”, “-holic”, or “-oholic” to describe “all-consuming obsessions”.,In the 1970s,More “holic” words appeared.,B R _ Blank Filling 1,Gap Filling,B R _ Blank Filling 2,1. Definition of workaholicIf a person is a workaholic, hes got to be driven to things. In the workdays, they just keep going, keep themselves. And a lot of stress leads to many problems, and diseases. 2. Suggestion to deal with workaholismIf you are not able to work, and the work you, you may be a workaholic and you may need to seek some outside . Youd be able to in your career world and to deal with other issues. Not let workaholism steal the joy of living.,compulsive need,_,accomplish,_,pushing,_,anxieties,_,let go of,_,holds onto,_,professional help,_,keep balance,_,Type 2,self-sacrificing workaholic,B R _ Table Completion 1,Table Completion,Type 1,They put themselves last and will go to any extreme to please and impress a dominant, parent-type person at work.,dominant workaholic,They do not care if they are liked, but must be seen as competent. They can be aggressive and arrogant. They seek respect.,B R _ Table Completion 2,Type 3,withdrawn workaholic,They prefer to work alone. They work hard and want to be needed and approved of as well, but do not want to be controlled or dominated. They prefer to keep their emotional distance from others.,B R _ Listening Comprehension 1,Listening Comprehension,Answer the following questions after you listen to the passage.,1. What is the distinction between working hard and being a workaholic?,Working hard involves being organized, focused, getting a lot of work done, knowing when to stop and having a life other than work. Workaholics, on the other hand, are often disorganized, always find reasons for working more.,
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