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B Read and write,Unit 5 Whose dog is it ?,What can you see in the picture?,What are they doing?,climbing,jumping,eating,walking,flying,running,run,dancing,dance,playing,Im jumping like a rabbit. I want to be a rabbit.,I like rabbits . I like jumping.,want to be 想成为,Animal imitation show: 动物模仿秀,像.一样,介词,喜欢 , 动词,Im flying like a bird. I want to be a bird.,I like birds. I like flying.,Im swimming like a fish . I want to be a fish.,I like fish . I like swimming.,Do you like animals? Do you want to go to the zoo?,Robin at the zoo,Sarah and Robin are at the zoo. Robin is excited! Why is Robin excited?,激动的,兴奋的,Task1 What animals does Robin see? Please listen carefully and find out the answer. 仔细听并找出罗宾看到的动物。,Task2: Listen, read and find the answer: What are the animals doing?动物们正在做什么?,Lets chant: The bear is dancing,dancing, dancing. The rabbits are eating, eating, eating. The tiger is running, running, running. The elephant is walking, walking, walking. The monkey is climbing, climbing, climbing. The bird is flying, flying, flying. The fish are swimming, swimming, swimming.,Task3: What is Robin doing?罗宾正在做什么?,He is dancing like a bear.,He is eating like a rabbit.,He is running like a tiger.,He is walking like an elephant.,He is climbing like a monkey.,He is flying like a bird.,Does Robin want to swim like a fish?,No, he doesnt.He doesnt want to be a fish.,Robin at the zoo Sarah and Robin are at the zoo. Robin is excited. What are you doing here, Robin? Im looking at a bear. Im dancing like a bear. Im looking at the rabbits. Im eating like a rabbit. Im looking at a tiger. Im running like a tiger. Im looking at an elephant. Im walking like an elephant. Im looking at a monkey. Im climbing like him. Im looking at a bird. I like flying. I want to be a bird. Robin, do you want to swim like a fish? No! No! I dont want to be a fish!,Task4: Read again and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation:(跟读并且注意语音语调),Task5,Read and write,1. Where are Sarah and Robin? They are at _. 2.What are the animals doing in the story? The bear is_. The rabbits are_. The tiger is_. The elephant is_. The monkey is_. The bird is_. The fish are_.,the zoo,dancing,eating,running,walking,climbing,flying,swimming,Sarah and Robin are at the _. Robin is _. He is looking at a _. He is _ like a bear. He is looking at the _. He is _ like a rabbit. He is looking at a _. He is _ like a tiger. He is looking at an _. He is _ like an elephant. He is looking at a _. He is _ like a monkey. He is looking at a _. He likes_. He wants to _ a bird. But he doesnt want to be a _.,Task 6 Retell the story 复述故事,ZOO,excited,bear,dancing,rabbits,eating,tiger,running,elephant,walking,monkey,climbing,bird,flying,be,fish,I have another photo of the zoo. Can you write something about the zoo and share with me? 你能为我的照片写一短话并和我分享吗,drinking water,sleeping,drinking water,sleeping,At The Zoo This is a picture of the zoo. There are many animals at the zoo. Look! Mother elephant and baby elephant are_ _ near the river. The father elephant _ _. The bears_ _under the tree. How lovely.The_.The_. The_.The_. The animals are very happy at the zoo.,At The Zoo This is a picture of the zoo. There are many animals at the zoo. Look! Mother elephant and baby elephant are drinking water near the river. The father elephant is walking . The bears are sleeping under the tree. How lovely.The fish are swimming. The birds are flying . The tiger is running. The rabbit is jumping . The animals are very happy at the zoo.,Lets watch a video!,Animals are our friends.,动物是我们的朋友。,We should love animals and protect them.,我们应该热爱动物并且保护它们。,Homework:,1. 熟练地朗读Read and write 部分的对话。 2. 完成本课相关的练习。,Thank you! See you!,读出下列短语:,Task 3,和你的搭档读一读短文,画出不懂的单词和句子。 1.小组合作交流,讨论不懂的地方。,2.Listen and reapt.(听录音跟读。),三、巩固拓展环节,Step4 巩固 Consolidation,Lets retell the story 复述故事,Story time,Where are Zoom and Zip today?,What is Zip doing?,They are at the zoo.,Shes taking pictures.,认真看图,回答问题吧!,Story time,What does Zip take pictures of?,Why are the monkeys looking at Zoom and Zip?,She takes pictures of a tiger and two monkeys.,Theyre copying Zoom and Zip.,Lets check,Lets check,hers,our,your,mine,your,his,our,his,Lets wrap it up,Summary,1.描述某物属于某人,2.某人(某物)正在做什么,根据图片提示,用完整句子回答问题。What is John doing? 2. What is the monkey doing? 3.What are the rabbits doing?4.What is the tiger doing?5.Is the girl jumping?,
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