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泰兴城东实验学校 钱培珊,Youll find _ in _.,Big Ben,The Great Wall,White House,Sydney Opera House,Its a big country in the south part of the Earth. It has many interesting animals. It also has a very famous opera house. People there speak English. Which country am I talking about?,What will they do?,They will .,The children will learn about Australia next week.,They want to find out about this country before the lessons.,How?,课文视频,Lets watch and fill in the blanks,Ask his e-friend,Ask Mr. Green,Read about Australia on the Internet,Go to the library,Tips:1、看卡通,完成表格。2、小组讨论,用xx will .( e.g: Mike will .)句型进行交流、汇报。,The children will learn They want to . . before the lessons. Mike will . Wang Bing will. Liu Tao will. Yang Ling will .,Lets read.,You will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting.You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year.People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!,Read and underline,仔细阅读,划出关于 澳大利亚的事物。,koala,kangaroo,At home, Liu Tao is reading about Australia.,仔细阅读,划出关于 澳大利亚的事物。,A,B,Tips: Australian football简称澳式足球或澳式橄榄球。它不同于英式和美式足球,形状为椭圆形。每队场上有18位队员;比赛过程中,持球者可以用手击球进行短传,或是以脚踢长传给队友。,仔细阅读,划出关于 澳大利亚的事物。,Tips:Sydney是澳大利亚最大的城市,有著名的悉尼歌剧院和悉尼大桥。除此,悉尼首都和堪培拉(Canberra)和墨尔本(Melbourne)也非常有名。,Read and write.,About Australia,Cities: _, Melbourne(墨尔本). Weather: warm and sunny. Interesting animals:_ and _. Interesting sport: _. Other: 516 parks for plants and animals.,Sydney,kangaroos,koalas,Australian football games,Choose two ways to read the text.(四人小组任选两种方式完成课文朗读。),3. Read in paragraphs. 小组成员分段朗读P59。,2. Read together. 小组齐读P58或P59。,1. Read in roles. 分角色朗读P58。,Reading time:,Retelling time,2. 澳大利亚旅行社想要招聘一些小导游,向同学们介绍澳大利亚,下面我们来试试谁能做一名优秀的导游! Useful sentences: Youll find many interesting things in Australia People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia!,1. 孩子们想要了解更多关于澳大利亚的信息,他们会通过何种方式?尝试着复述一下。 Useful sentences: They want to know more about Australia,Tip:思维导图可以帮助你们更好地复述和表达。,Homework: Read the story fluently. 2. Try to introduce Australia with your partner. 3. Find out more information about Australia.,
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