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Unit 7 How much ?,Fun time Sound time & Song time,Charity Sale: 爱心义卖,These shoes are _ yuan.,These socks are_ yuan .,The umbrella is _ yuan .,They have _ yuan .,Act out:,Tip:小组分角色表演.,How much is it/are they?,5,4,19,?,How much is it ?,Guess.,Its yuan ., 12,Now lets guess and say,1. 取一件物品,在看不到的地方给其贴上价格标签。 2. 四人一小组进行游戏。,How much is it/are they?, 5, 8, 2, 10,They are very cheap,and good.,便宜,What colour?,blue T-shirt,blue skirt,red socks,yellow shoes,Where is the man?,Hes in the clothes shop. Hes a salesman.,Lets sing.,Where is the salesman?,Hes in the river.,How many people?,Five.,Five men live near the river. They love to swim in summer.,Homework: 1.听读本单元录音5遍。 2.抄写本单元单词表三遍。 3.预习Cartoon time, Checkout time.,
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