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London 2012 Olympic Games,Olympic emblem of London,Sports in Britain,Football Tennis Cricket,Introduction to the English football,. At present the Olympic Games in modern football originated in the United Kingdom. . Football is the national sport of England. . In 1863, the British set up the football association, and formulate the first set of unified competition rules.,The English premier league,. 英格兰足球超级联赛 (FA Premier League) . 英格兰足球冠军联赛 (The Championship) . 英格兰足球甲级联赛 (League One) . 英格兰足球乙级联赛 (League Two),The famous football club,Chelsea Liverpool Arsenal Manchester United,Wayne Rooney,Steven Gerrard,Frank Lampard,John Terry,owen,Core player,Rio Ferdinand),My favorite star Beckham,Tennis,
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