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Unit 4 Our school,Lesson 1 第一课时,执教者:金沙街小学 蒋宇,Our School will Shine Today,Q1. Do you know what are they?,Q2. Can you read these words?Can you read these sentences?,Q3. Can you talk about our school with your partner?,Q1: Do you know what are they?,你知道这些五颜六色的小纸片是什么吗?,stamps,Teaching &Collecting Stamps Primary School,教学与集邮特色学校,Q2: Can you read these words ?,你能读出这些关于学校的单词吗?,library,We have a library.,teachers office,This is our teachers office.,swimming pool,playground,This is our playground.,-Do you have a ? -Yes, we do./ No, we dont.,We have a library.,翻到书上40页的2部分,为单词标号。,Q2:Can you read these sentences?,Can you talk about our school with your partner?,你能和小伙伴简单的谈论一下关于我们的学校吗?,根据2部分图示的内容,小组讨论,替换关键词,练习3部分对话句型:-Do you have a ? -Yes, we do./ No, we dont.-Where is it? -It is in front of./ behind / on the right/ on the left.,Tips: 小组汇报,3-4个小组比一比(以座位每个大组派一小组)哪个组问答用时最短、表达最清楚流利。获胜组获星加分。,art room, music room, computer room, classroom,请学生根据学校的实际情况,替换已学过的相关单词,小组讨论练习句型。,E.g. A: Do you have an art room? B: Yes, we do. A: Where is it? B: It is on the left of teaching building.,3. 展示汇报:学生小组讨论后,3分钟准备后举手发言,讲台前展示,视时间情况而定,2-3组表演为宜。,评价标准:1. 表达清楚,发音准确,口语流利。2. 全组同学都发言进行问答。汇报情况满分3颗星 ,全班小组准备好后举手发言进行展示,表达不清楚减一颗星,部分同学问答减一颗星。,Task 3,看图选择,Homework,抄写本课单词、短语。把今天学过的内容回家读给父母听。预习下节课单词、句子,为课文对话内容表演做准备。,
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