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Lesson 6 I want a CD.,培植小学 执教人:刘星娟,Lesson 6 I want a CD.,执教人:刘星娟,3,a CD,a pop song,foreign,a tape,folk music,cheap,Listen and answer,Its 68 yuan.,1.What does Li Shan want to buy?,She wants to buy a CD about pop songs.,2.What kind of songs does Li Shan like?,She likes foreign pop songs.,3.How much is the CD?,4.Is it cheap?,No, it isnt., Can I help you?, Yes, I want,some flowers,some cakes,Which do you like better, or ? I like better.,Which do you like better,apples or bananas? I like apples better.,Michael Jackson,How much is it? -Its . How much are they? -Theyre .,和同学一起模拟在商店买东西时,顾客和售货员之间对话的场景。,Pair Work,Sum up,1. Can I help you?Yes,I want . 2. Which do you like better, . or . ? I like . better. 3. How much is it? Its.,Homework,Make up a dialogue about shopping.,Goodbye!,
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