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Unit 4 Unforgettable Films 难忘的电影,. 单词盘点 根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇 1. _ (n. ) 奖;奖品 2. _ (v. ) 相称;比得上 3. _ (v. ) 逃跑;逃脱 4. _ (v. ) 吸引;引起兴趣 5. _ (n. ) 场景;布景,award,match,escape,appeal,scene,6. _ (n. ) 结果;影响;效果 7. _ (v. ) 使震动,震惊 8. _ (n. ) 感激;感谢 9. _ (n. ) 角色 10. _ (v. ) 获得;挣得 11. _ (v. ) 引导;指引 _ (n. )指导; 领导 12. _ (adv. ) 好像;表面上;显然 _ (adj. )明显的; 显而易见的,effect,shock,gratitude,role,earn,guide,guidance,apparently,apparent,13. _ (n. ) 疑惑;怀疑 _ (adj. )可疑的; 令人生疑的 _ (adv. ) 确实地;无疑地 14. _ (n. ) 感激 _ (v. )感激; 欣赏;鉴别;领会 15. _ (v. ) 给以荣誉 _ (adj. ) 可尊敬的;高尚的;高贵的;体面的 16. _ (v. )尊敬;敬重 _ (adj. ) 有礼貌的;尊敬人的 _ (adj. ) 值得尊敬的;名声好的;体面的;相当的 _ (adj. )分别的;各自的,doubt,doubtful,undoubtedly,appreciation,appreciate,honor,honorable,respect,respectful,respectable,respective,【品词自测】根据所给词的适当形式填空 He is not _ about the business, but I still have my _ about it. (doubt) The professor _ us to his laboratory and later under his _ we began to do an experiment in chemistry. (guide),doubtful,doubts,guided,guidance,. 短语回放 1. 喜欢;开始从事于 _ 2. 把自己与等同;和打成一片_ 3. 引起了极大的兴趣 _ 4. 从中逃脱 _ 5. 吸引 _,take to. . .,identify oneself with. . .,hold a great interest,escape from. . .,appeal to. . .,6. 与一致;与协调 _ 7. 使显出;使明白表示出来 _ 8. 使被理解;使被接受 _ 9. 寻找;寻求 _ 10. 在中扮演角色 _,be in keeping with. . .,bring out,put across,in search of. . .,take/play a role in/on. . .,. 句式扫描 1. The acting is superb, _ (因为各种感情都表现得淋漓尽致). 2. _ (显而易见) the film is everybodys idea of entertainment and the whole film is very enjoyable and unforgettable. 3. _ (我怎么感谢你也不为过)for your hospitality. 4. _ (难怪) Cast Away earned him nominations once again.,as every feeling is brought out fully,It is obvious that,I can never thank you enough,It is no wonder that,【仿句自测】根据下面句式仿写句子 as引导原因状语从句。 仿写:由于我不知道怎样做,就问了老师。 As I didnt know how to do it, I asked the teacher. it作形式主语 仿写:他一定会出席会议的。 It is quite certain that he will be present at the meeting.,1. award n. 奖;奖品vt. 颁发;授予 (1)an award ceremony 颁奖仪式 get/win/receive an award 获奖 win the award of $ 50, 000 赢得 5万美元奖金 (2)award sb. sth. =award sth. to sb. 给予/授予/判给/裁定给某人某物 (sb. ) be awarded sth. / (sth. ) be awarded to sb. 某人被授予某物,He got the first award in the contest. 他比赛得了一等奖。 A medal was awarded to the best student in the class. 一枚奖章颁给了班里最好的学生。 The judges _ her the first prize _ her performance. 评委们给她的表演评了一等奖。,awarded,for,【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空,n. & v. 指为鼓励在工作中达到所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在于奖品的大小或奖金的多少。,n. & v. 指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。也指因帮助警方抓到罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到的酬金、赏金。,The university _ me a scholarship for my outstanding performance. You would be offered a(n) _ of $ 8, 000 for the arrest of the murder, according to the news on TV last night.,awarded,reward,2. escape v. 逃跑;逃脱;未被注意;被遗忘 escape from 从逃跑/逃走 escape +n. / doing sth. 逃脱(做)某事 escape ones attention/ notice不被某人注意/被某人忽略 escape ones memory 某人一时想不起 have a narrow escape 幸免/侥幸脱险/九死一生,He escaped punishment by reason of his youth. 他因为年轻, 得以免除惩罚。 More than once he had a narrow escape from being eaten by sharks. 他有好几次差点被鲨鱼吃掉了。 He _ _ by being silent. 他不声不响以躲避别人的注意。 He narrowly _ _ _ in the accident. 他在意外事故中差一点受伤。,escaped attention,escaped being hurt,3. appeal v. 吸引;引起兴趣; 呼吁,恳求;上诉n. 吸引力,感染力;呼吁,请求 (1)appeal to sb. for sth. 为向某人呼吁/请求 appeal to sb. 吸引某人 appeal to sb. to do sth. 恳求/呼吁某人做某事 (2)make an appeal to sb. for sth. 为向某人呼吁/请求 make an appeal to sb. to do sth. 恳求/呼吁某人做某事 (3)appealing adj. 吸引人的,打动人心的,The old man decided to appeal to a higher court. 那位老人决定向上一级法院上诉。 Does the idea of working abroad _ _ you? 你对去国外工作感兴趣吗? He _ one last _ _ his mother _ forgive him. 他最后一次恳求母亲宽恕他。,appeal to,made,appeal to,to,【真题链接】 2010安徽,23How did you like Nicks performance last night? To be honest, his singing didnt _ to me much. A. appeal B. belong C. refer D. occur 【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。答语句意:说实话,他的演唱并不怎么吸引我。appeal to 意为“吸引”;belong to意为“属于”;refer to意为“提到;涉及”;occur to意为“突然想到”。,4. effect n. 结果;影响;效果 The medicine was of no effect on the patient. 这种药对病人无效。 They tried their best to bring/put/carry the new law into effect. 他们尽最大的努力使这部新法律生效。 The medicine had a good effect on me. 那种药对我有很好的功效。,The law came into effect on New Years Day. 该法律在元旦开始生效。 The morphine was starting to take effect and the pain eased. 吗啡开始起作用,疼痛减轻了。 Although he is her employer, she has in effect full control. 虽然他是她的雇主,但实际上是由她完全控制。,【归纳】 be _ no effect 无效,没有作用;不中用 bring/carry/put. . . _ effect实行,实施,使生效,实现 come/go _ effect 开始生效,开始实施 have (an) effect _ 对有影响;对起作用,产生效果,
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