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MODULE 3,FAMOUS PEOPLE,UNIT 1,Dr Sun Yatsen,New words,医生 ;博士,Dr = Doctor,memorial hall,纪念堂,皇 帝,free,使解放;使自由,speech,发 言;讲 话,make a speech,About Dr Sun Yatsen,Janet: What are you reading, Jiamin? Jiamin: Im reading about a famous historical person. Janet: Whos that? Jiamin: Its Dr Sun yatsen. He was born in Guangdong.,Xiaoling: Dr Sun Yatsen was the father of modern China! Janet: What do you mean? Xiaoling: Well, he was very important! Janet: Yes, but why?,Jiamin: He was a great leader. He was against the emperor. He tried to change China and free the people.,Janet: Could he do that? Did he free the people? Jiamin: Yes, slowly. Finally he started to change China. Janet: I think he loved the people and the people loved him.,Jiamin: Right! You can visit the Dr Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou. Xiaoling: Really? Shall we go and visit it this Sunday? Jiamin: All right.,Lets sing!,Read the sentences. Match them with pictures.,( ),( ),( ),( ),Read the jokes,Girl: Armstrong is great. He has been to the moon. Boy: Thats nothing. My father is going to the sun. Girl: How can he? The sun is very hot. Boy: It doesnt matter. Hes going there at night.,Jerry: Who has the most children in American? Tom: George Washington. Jerry: Why? Tom: Because he is the father of American.,Thank you!,
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