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Additional materials,Book3 unit3 The million pound bank note,1.Ill just wander the mall for about half an hour. I wandered about the shops ,wondering what to buy. 句中 wander和wonder一样吗?,巧学活用 Worried about the safety of my child in such a heavy rainstorm ,my attention began to _ off my work. A. wonder B. separate C. wander D. divide We were having class when a sudden noise set my mind _. A. flying B. wandering C. racing D. flowing,C,B,2. The building was like a prison in appearance. We should not judge a person by hisappearance. by all appearances 显然 in appearance 看起来;外表上 make ones appearance 登台,出现 The environmentalists said wild goats_ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment. A. escape B. absence C. attendance D. appearance,D,3.一句背诵 It is good manners to say “thank you “ when someone helps you. Why are you talking in such an impolite manner? 有人帮忙时说声谢谢 是有礼貌的行为,你为什么却用这种不礼貌的方式谈话?, Ill go ahead and tell them youre on the way. The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned . May I start now? Yes,go ahead .,4.go ahead前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说,运用:请说出go ahead在句中的意思。,可以,请开始吧,走在前面,先走,将按计划进行修建,eg.I wonder if I could possibly use your car tonight ? _ Sure ,go ahead .Im not using it anyhow. go over 审查;查阅;复习 go through 遭受;经历;通过 go without 没有也行;将就 go against 违背;反对,(无被动) go around/about (疾病,消息等)传播 go by 路过,(时间等)过去 go after 追求;设法获得 go in for 从事;爱好 go up 上升,上涨,巧学活用 Theres no money for a holiday this year; well just have to go _. 今年我们没钱去度假了,我们只能将就着不度假了。 _ I wonder if youd mind me asking you some personal questions . _No, not at all._. A. Go ahead B. No way C. Thats it D. Help yourself,without,A,_adv.耐心地; _adj. 没有耐性的 _adv. 没有耐性地 _n. 耐性,5.patient adj.有耐性的 n.病人,patience,patiently,impatient,impatiently, The parents lost _ (patient) with his naughty son even wanted to give him up. Generally speaking,most teachers are patient _ students and kind to them. As a nursery teacher,you mustnt be _ (patient) with the children.,patience,with,impatient,seek sbs advice/help 征求意见/求帮助 seek to do sth.试图去做 seek help from sb向某人求助 seek your fortune 外出寻找发财机会 seek sb./sth.out 挑选出,物色,派生:seeker(n.)找寻者,追求者job-seeker 求职者,6.seek v.(sought,sought)寻找;探索;寻求, They have sought _ (improve) their English learning these days. She managed to calm him down and seek help _ a neighbour.,运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。,from,to improve,on the contrary 正相反contrary to与相反,7.contrary n. 反面;对立面adj. 相反的;相违的, Youre quite free now,I think,_ _I have tons of things to do! _ expectation,he didnt win in the match.(adv.),运用:用以上两个短语填空。,Contrary to,contrary,on the,8.Nick can stay , but as for you,you can get out of my sight 尼克可以留下来,但是至于你,可以从我眼前消失了。 Hes very certain as to whether its the right job for him. 关于他是否适合这个工作,他实在是拿不准。 We sorted eggs as to size and colour. as for至于“常用于单句或并列句之首,用来引入新话题,所引话题常带有消极或轻视之意。 as to至于;关于;根据尤其用于争论和作出决定时,较前者正式,且as to可跟宾语从句。,巧学活用 She could stay for one day or two days ,but _whether she is staying for a week, it would be out of the question. A. as for B. as far as C. as to D. but for,C,9.its ones fault (that)是某人的错 find fault with sb. 挑某人的毛病 at fault 有错;有责任 辨析如下 fault多指行为上的过失,性格上的弱点,强调对过失应负的责任 mistake 错误,误会,误解,弄错。多指缺乏正确理解而造成的行为上,认识上的错误。 error较正式,常指按某一既定标准而发生的错误,如;印刷错误,笔误,计算错误,技术错误,语法错误等;也指品德上的错误,常可与mistake互换 do sth. by mistake(=do sth.in error)错误的做某事,eg.1. Its his own fault that he failed in the examination.2.It was a mistake to leave my umbrella at home.3.You make an error in your calculations.,巧学活用 Shes always finding _with me . I took your bag instead of mine by _. He made an _ in pronunciation. He is such a man who is always _ fault with other people. A. putting B. seeking C. finding D. looking for,fault,mistake,error,C,10。Why dont you explain what this is all about? 你为什么不解释一下这是怎么回事啊? explain (to sb.)+ why /how/what/that从句explain to sb. sth = explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事 explanation n.解释,说明,阐述,拓展 下列动词后加sb. 时不能省略to; explain to sb. sth. reply to sb. sth. express to sb. sth. suggest to sb. that announce to sb. that apologize to sb. for sth respond to sb. /sth,巧学活用 改错 Please explain me this rule.I dont understand your argument .Could you explain by yourself a bit more?,meto me,去掉by,11.教材原句I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount 我的确听说用英格兰银行已经发行了两张这个数额的钞票 issue a newspaper 发行一种报纸(vt.) an issue of a newspaper 一种报纸的发行(n.) issue from 从流出(vi.) blood issuing from a wound 从伤口流出血 raise a new issue 提出一个新议题,巧学活用 An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered _ clear warning before firing any shots. A. to issue B. being issued C. to have issued D. to be issued,
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