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1,Currency 通货,trading in foreign currencies I had to change my euros into local currency. A weaker currency would help our exports. The government has devalued the national currency by 29%. The dollar rose against European currencies but fell against the Japanese yen. The new currency will be pegged to the US dollar (= the value of the new currency will be linked to the value of the dollar).,Money and income (U1),Currency Personal finance,2,Currency,common/domestic/foreign/local/national currency a stable/strong/volatile/weak currency to buy/change/exchange/sell currency to devalue/depreciate/peg/prop up a currency currency devaluation/fluctuation/movement a currency dealer/speculator/trader,3,Describing what happens to currencies,Deciding the value of a currency Many developing economies have their currencies pegged to the dollar. The government allowed the peso to float freely. Countries devalued their currencies to encourage exports. They revalued the currency to reflect the change in economic growth.,4,Describing what happens to currencies,Increases in value The yen has appreciated around 7.5% against the dollar so far this year. The Swiss franc is strengthening against the euro.,5,Describing what happens to currencies,Decreases in value The central bank cannot afford to defend a depreciating currency. The rand weakened by 5% to the euro.,Describing what happens to currencies,Depreciate vs appreciate Devalue vs revalue weaken vs Strengthen,6,Banknote 纸币,A banknote (more commonly known as a bill in the United States and Canada) is a kind of currency, and under many jurisdictions are used as legal tender. Legal tender or forced tender is payment that cannot be refused in settlement of a debt by virtue of law. 纸币(Banknotes),亦称银行券、银行纸币。,7,Cash 现金,Cash usually refers to money in the form of currency, such as bills or coins. 现金有广义和狭义之分。广义的现金包括库存现金、银行活期存款、银行本票、银行汇票、信用证存款、信用卡存款等内容。西方会计惯例所称现金即为广义的现金,与我国会计中的货币资金概念几乎一致。我国会计惯例所称现金为狭义的现金,即库存现金,是可由企业任意支配使用的纸币、硬币。,8,Cash,to have/hold/pay/withdraw cash In business, a cash cow is a product or investment that steadily continues to be profitable. A cash desk is a place in a large shop where you pay for the things you want to buy. (BRIT; in AM, use cashiers desk) A cash register is a machine in a shop, pub, or restaurant that is used to add up and record how much money people pay, and in which the money is kept. = till (BRIT; in AM, use cash register ),9,Cash,A cash dispenser is a machine built into the wall of a bank or other building, which allows people to take out money from their bank account using a special card. (BRIT; in AM, use ATM) = cashpoint, cash machine The cash flow of a firm or business is the movement of money into and out of it. Hard cash is money in the form of notes and coins as opposed to a cheque or a credit card. Petty cash is money that is kept in the office of a company, for making small payments in cash when necessary.,10,Cash,cash out: to sell an asset or an investment in order to make a profit I planned to sell the company and cash out after two years. Only company executives were allowed to cash out their stock. cash on the barrelhead: Immediate payment You must pay cash on the barrelhead; we dont offer credit.,11,Money 货币,A medium of exchange allowing goods and services to be valued in terms of a legal tender consisting of objects with a high intrinsic value (gold) or a token value (banknotes), rather than traded directly as would occur in a barter economy. 一种人们普遍接受作为经济交换手段的商品。它能表示价格和价值。 金属,特别是金和银,用作货币至少有4000年历史,作为金属货币流通的标准铸币也许有2600年的历史。18世纪末和19世纪初,银行开始发行可换回金银的纸币,成为工业国家的主要货币。第一次世界大战中许多国家暂时放弃金本位制,自20世纪30年代起,许多国家永久性地放弃金本位制。,12,Money,to earn/make/save/spend money to borrow/lend/owe/raise money A countrys money market consists of all the banks and other organizations that deal with short-term loans, capital, and foreign exchange. The money supply is the total amount of money in a countrys economy at any one time. Seed money is money that is given to someone to help them start a new business or project.,13,Deposit 存款,A deposit is a specific sum of money taken and held on account, by a bank as a service provided for its clients. 存款是指存款人在保留所有权的条件下,把使用权暂时转让给银行的资金或货币。是银行最重要的信贷资金来源。 从产生时间来看,存款早于银行。中国在唐代就出现了专门收受和保管钱财的柜坊,存户可凭类似支票的“贴”或其他信物支钱。中世纪在欧洲出现的钱币兑换商也接受顾客存钱,属钱财保管性质,不支付利息,是外国银行存款业务的萌芽。随着银行和其他金融机构的出现,银行的存款业务得到了迅速发展。,14,Deposit,Savings deposit Money market deposit account (MMDA) Time deposit Certificate of deposit (CD) Small-denomination time deposit Large-denomination time deposit Transaction deposit Checkable (checking) deposit Demand deposit Automatic transfer service (ATS) deposit Negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) deposit,15,Savings deposit 储蓄存款,Savings deposits are accounts maintained by commercial banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, and mutual savings banks that pay interest but can not be used directly as money (by, for example, writing a check). 储蓄存款是指存户不需按照存款契约要求,只需按照银行所要求的任何时间,在实际提取一周前,以书面申请形式通知银行申请提款的一种账户。由此可见,储蓄存款不是在特定的某一到期日,或某一特定间隔期限终止后才能提取。 由于储蓄存款的流动性介于活期存款和定期存款之间,银行承担的流动性风险亦大于定期存款流动性风险和小于活期存款流动性风险,故银行对储蓄存款支付的利率低于定期存款。,
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