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61 A bad cold 62 Whats the matter with them?What must they do?,Lesson 61 Lesson62,Group discussion,用5分钟时间讨论导学案的学习情况: 1.请同学们把自己在自学时不懂的看看在小组里能否解决. 2.请小组长批改组员的导学案预习情况,并做好工作记录,课后向老师汇报记录情况。 3.老师将在段考和期考前评选出优秀小组长和优秀组员和优秀小组。,看谁知道得多,How many words do you know about diseases(疾病)?,Round 1(第一轮),Listen in,What is good news for Jimmy ?,He must stay in bed for a week. Because he doesnt like school.,feel,must,call,doctor,telephone,mouth,remember,bad,news,tongue,cold,headache,aspirin,earache,medicine,temperature,flu,measles,mumps,1. 在床上 2. 觉得不舒服 3. 好消息 4.让我看看你的舌头 5. 得了重感冒 6. 卧床一周 7. 医生的电话号码,be in bed,feel ill, look ill,8. 请医生 9. 耳痛/胃痛 10. 发烧 11. 得了流感/麻疹/腮腺炎 12. 看医生 13. 吃阿斯匹林/药,good news,Show me you tongue,have a bed cold,stay in bed for a week,the doctors telephone number,call the doctor,have an earache/stomach,have a temperature,take an aspirin, take some medicine,see a dentist/ doctor,.have flu/measles/mumps,Find out the sentences and underline them.,1. 他怎么啦? 2. 他感觉不舒服/看上去病了。3.他得了重感冒。 4.你还记得医生的电话号码吗?5. 对吉米来说,这可是个好消息。6.他们该怎么办? 7.他们应该吃药。,Whats the matter with him?,He feels/looks ill. He has a bad cold.,He has a bad cold.,Can you remember the doctors telephone number?,Thats good news for Jimmy.,What must they do?,They must take some medicine.,Focus on 知识聚集,1. 观察下列句子,总结feel有什么意思? (1)I could feel rain on my face. (2)The silk feels very smooth.(3)I feel it hard to finish it.,觉得,感觉到,摸,触;(某物)给人某种感觉,以为,认为,2. whats the matter with.? 你还知道哪些句子可以表达同样的意思? Whats wrong with? Whats up? Whats the problem? Whats going on ? What happened to you?,3.还记得must的用法吗? must是情态动词,表示“必要性”,即某人必须做某事观察下来句子,写出Must与have to的用法比较。Must she see a doctor,or take an aspirin?You must sweep the floor.You have to work hard to make a living.I have to go to school tomorrow. must 表示主观,必须做某事 have to 表示客观,不得不做某事,feel ill与look ill 有什么区别?,本课语法知识,feel ill 感觉不舒服,感觉病了,一般指自己感觉 look ill 看起来病了,指 别人看起来病了,请观察Lesson 62 ,当have+疼痛和疾病的名词连用时,哪些词需要加a/an,哪些词不需要加,请归纳。 1. 一般情况要加:have a cold/headache/sore throat/earache/ toothache/stomach ache 2. 不可数或复数形式前的疾病名称前不用加:have flu/ measles/ mumps,用whats the matter with.?She/He has+疾病/疼痛,So she/he must.句型完成新概念Lesson62的看图说话。,看谁反应快,Round 2(第二轮),感觉,记住,记得,看(起来),嘴,必须,舌头,叫,请,医生,坏的,感冒,消息,电话,头痛,药,温度,阿斯匹林,耳痛,牙痛,麻疹,胃痛,腮腺炎,牙医,流行性感冒,Checking time,Round 3(第三轮),1.他觉得不舒服,他看上去是病了。He feels ill and he looks ill. 2.你还记得医生的电话号码吗?Do you remember the doctors telephone number? 3.把嘴张开,让我看看你的舌头。 Open your mouth and show me your tongue.,翻译下列句子。,4.我们得去看医生。 We must see the doctor. 5.山姆发烧了,他正躺在床上 Sam has a temperature and he is lying in bed.,Task 7 填空。 1. Whats the m_ with him? 2. He l_ ill. 3. He had a b_ cold, so he must s_ in bed. 4. O_ your mouth and s_ me your tongue 5. Tom has a t_(牙痛)。,atter,ooks,ad,tay,pen,how,oothache,Task 8:句型转换. 1. Helen is thirteen years old. She is in Class one.(用and 合并)_ 2. He can play table tennis.(改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ 3. I have a headache .(对画线部分提问)_ 4. What happened to you?(改为同义句)_ 5. Our class has 53 students. (改成同义句)_ _ 53 students in our class. 6. They often walk home. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_,Helen is thirteen years old and she is in Class one.,Can he play basketball? - No, he cant.,Whats the matter with you?,Whats wrong with you?/ Whats the matter?,There are,Do they often walk home? -Yes, they do.,Task 9:选用所给连词填空: until,after, but, if, so, before, when, and, as soon as 1. Ill go to the shops _ it is fine tomorrow. 2. Every day he doesnt get up _ 6 oclock. 3. She can sing a lot of songs ,_ she cant sing the song. 4. I will let you know _ I arrive in Beijing. Dont worry. 5. The fans go to the famous woman singer _ give beautiful flower to her. 6. _ she comes home from school ,shell have a rest and then do his homework.,until,if,but,when,and,As soon as,Choose one topic to talk about,Round 4(第四轮),1.What must you do when your classmate is ill?2.Your experience of being ill.,Homework,1.复习Lesson61和Lesson62的重点知识 2.背Lesson61和Lesson62的单词,明天听写 3.完成导学案Lesson63Lesson64,
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