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手卫生与职业安全,复旦大学中山医院 上海市院内感染质控中心 高晓东,日本发生历史最大的一次瘟疫 -诺瓦克(norovirus)病毒,秋田市政府职员食用了一饭馆在11日至13日加工的外卖盒饭后,从12日起陆续有52名职员出现呕吐和腹泻的中毒症状。在14日夜,当地卫生防疫部门检测出了诺瓦克病毒。 大馆市日本大馆市也传出了当地8所中小学校内发生了集体食物中毒事件,共有340多名师生出现了中毒症状。大馆市卫生防疫部门也在16日从14名中毒人员的排泻物中检测出了诺瓦克病毒。 北海道上川町也发生了167名住宿在层云峡观光旅馆的观光客集体食物中毒的情况 。 日本国立传染病研究所表示,根据全国约3000个医疗机构上报的数据统计,截止到12月3日,全国共有65638人感染疫情,平均每个医疗机构收治21.77名患者。根据各地的人口和病毒流行情况可推算出,以儿童为主的日本各地的患者至少已经达到303万9千人 .,流行病学,1996-2000年,美国CDC报告了348起集体性诺沃克病毒性胃肠炎暴发疫情,其中136起(39%)发生在饭店,101起(29%)发生在疗养院或医院,42起(12%)发生在学校和托幼机构,还有10%发生在度假场所和游船上。 近年来,集体性诺沃克病毒性胃肠炎暴发疫情在欧洲、亚洲、澳洲等地也频频出现。 2004年11月-2005年1月,日本报告236起集体性感染胃肠炎疫情,发病7821人,其中查出感染诺沃克病毒者5371人,死亡12人。,对付“诺瓦克”的绝招洗手再洗手,After petting a dog or cat,Before handling or eating food,After coughing or sneezing,After using the bathroom in your home,After changing a diaper,After handling money,After using a public restroom,Hand Washing Habits How Frequently Do Americans Say They Are Washing Their Hands?,Always wash my hands,(Usually wash my hands), Total Sample ,Q: I am going to read you a list of activities and Id like you to tell me how often you make it a practice of washing your hands. How often do you wash your hands after,2005 42% (16%),2005 77% (14%),2005 32% (23%),2005 83% (10%),2005 73% (4%),2005 91% (6%),2005 21% (18%),In 1846, Ignaz Semmelweis observed that women whose babies were delivered by students and physicians in the First Clinic at the General Hospital of Vienna consistently had a higher mortality rate than those whose babies were delivered by midwives in the Second Clinic. Perhaps because of the known deodorizing effect of chlorine compounds, as of May 1847, he insisted that students and physicians clean their hands with a chlorine solution between each patient in the clinic. The maternal mortality rate in the First Clinic subsequently dropped dramatically and remained low for years.,我院某科室医院感染爆发,换能器内液体,医院感染中MRSA的检出率: 1975 - 1997,Year,Source: NNIS System Slide provided by Scott Fridkin, MD at CDC, HIP program,MRSA %,2018/10/21,13,第34届美国医院感染年会APIC (2007.6.2528, San Jose) 会议主题:蓄势勃发,革新感染预防 Get Plugged In to Innovation in Infection Prevention,三种导管相关感染的预防,尽早更换或拔除 做好日常导管护理工作 手部卫生,洗手和无菌隔离技术,触摸、插入、更换或包扎血管内导管的前、后,均要洗手(IA) 插管或更换导管的覆盖物,均要戴手套(IB) 单纯更换敷料,不建议使用无菌手套(III),Hand Hygiene: Not a New Concept,Semmelweis Hand Hygiene Intervention, Hand antisepsis reduces the frequency of patient infections ,Adapted from: Hosp Epidemiol Infect Control, 2nd Edition, 1999.,洗手,控制感染最有效、最方便、最经济的方法 但要能够经常和适时的洗手 什么时间洗手?,直接接触病人前后; 摘手套后(戴手套不能代替洗手); 不论是否戴手套,进行侵袭性操作前; 接触体液或排泄物、粘膜、非完整皮肤或伤口敷料后; 护理病人从污染部位移到清洁部位时; 接触紧邻病人的物品后(包括医疗设备);,In 5 Years, the CDCs Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion (DHQP) plans on accomplishing these seven challenges,Reduce catheter-associated adverse events by 50% among patients in healthcare settings Reduce targeted surgical adverse events by 50% Reduce hospitalizations and mortality from respiratory tract infections among long-term care patients by 50% Reduce targeted antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections by 50% by: preventing infections diagnosing and treating infections appropriately optimizing antimicrobial use, and preventing transmission in healthcare settings Eliminate laboratory errors leading to adverse patient outcomes Eliminate occupational needlestick injuries among healthcare personnel Achieve 100% adherence to ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) guidelines for immunization of healthcare personnel,Simple measures save livesThe focus is on preventing infection associated with health care,www.who.int/patientsafety/events,Hand Hygiene,Clean Hands are Safer Hands,Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care,WHO GUIDELINES ON HAND HYGIENE IN HEALTH CARE (ADVANCED DRAFT): A SUMMARY,Objective of the Guidelines:To provide health-care workers, administrators and health authorities with:a thorough review of hand hygienein-depth information to help them overcome obstacles to improvement,WHO关于手卫生(洗手或手消毒)的六个指征包括:,1、接触病人前后 2、摘除手套后 3、进行侵入性操作前 4、接触病人体液、排泄物、粘膜、破损的皮肤或者伤口敷料后 5、从病人脏的身体部位到干净的身体部位 6、直接接触接近病人的无生物物体(包括医疗器械)后,Youve got the whole world in your hands.,PLEASE WASH THEM NOW !,Contamination of Hands and Environment,First cleaning, then disinfection (if appropriate),控制医院感染 最简单, 最有效, 最方便, 最经济方法,洗 手,第一步 掌心相对,手指并拢相互摩擦,第二步 手心对手背沿指缝相互搓擦,第三步 掌心相对,双手交叉沿指缝相互摩擦,第四步 双手指交锁,指背在对侧掌心,第五步 一手握另一手大拇指旋转搓擦,交换进行,第六步 指尖在对侧掌心前后擦洗,六部洗手法,洗手步驟,Hand Hygiene Technique酒精,9方面16项 医院感染管理委员会会议制度 医院感染管理专职人员配备 医院感染及防控知识培训 医院感染和病原菌监测 抗生素应用管理 医院感染监测管理和数据反馈 病区洗手设备 消毒监测(紫外线灯管强度和消毒剂浓度) 医院感染知识的考核,医院感染管理规范实施情况督查,63所受检医院肥皂污染情况,改善医务人员手卫生设施,提高依从性,2006年:几乎所有医院取消了手动式水龙头开关、固体肥皂,但ICU床旁、治疗车、抽血处等重要部门虽然大多配置了快速手消毒剂,但存在产品过期或均未开封等问题。仅4所医院所有医院均能提供全院及具体科室2006年全年的洗手液和快速手消毒液的用量。 2007年:仍有8所医院存在手动水龙头,3所医院未完全取消固体肥皂,近半数医院手卫生依从性存在问题。,Alcohol-Based Hand Rub Consumption and Incidence Rates of Nosocomial Infection in Intensive Care Units (ICU) in Lyon (France), 20012005 Treny-Juhen1. Lyon, France,6th Int. Conf. of the Hospital Infection Society, 1518 October 2006, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
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