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,在你们班有多少学生?,How many students are there in your class ?,你们有图书馆吗?,Do you have a library ?,你们在学校吃午饭吗 ?,Do you have lunch at school ?,让我们去那里。,Lets go there.,我喜欢这一台电脑。(one起指代作用),I like this one.,这个是图书馆吗 ?,Is this the library ?,那个是美术教室吗 ?,Is that the art room ?,餐厅在第一层。,The canteen is on the first floor.,让我们去看一看。,Lets go and have a look.,这个是地板,那个是墙。,This is the floor. That is the wall.,是的,你是对的。,Yes, youre right.,放学了。,School is over.,让我们去操场。,Lets go to the playground.,让我们回家吧。,Lets go home.,现在几点钟了?,What time is it now ?,再多玩一会儿吧。再多等一会吧。,Just a minute.,吃晚饭的时间到了。,Its time for dinner.,让我们跑吧。,Lets run.,十只钟。,Ten clocks.,那一只钟是正确的。(one起指代作用),That one is correct.,起床的时间到了。,Its time to get up.,早饭准备好了。,Breakfast is ready.,上学的时间到了。,Its time to go to school.,英语课的时间到了。,Its time for English.,上英语课的时间到了。,Its time to have English class.,我准备好了。,Im ready.,看我的闹钟。,Look at my clock.,我能试一试吗?,Can I have a try ?,短针在哪里?,Where is the short hand ?,我喜欢白色的毛衣搭配绿色的短裙。,I like the white sweater with the green skirt.,它是什么颜色的 ?,What colour is it ?,这是你的短裙吗?,Is this your skirt ?,它是谁的?,Whose is it ?,很多颜色。,So many colours.,请把我的T恤衫传给我。,Please pass me my T-shirt.,我的袜子在哪里?,Where are my socks ?,它们是什么颜色的?,What colour are they ?,看这些。,Look at these.,它们是什么?,What are they ?,这些是你小时候的长裤。,These are your baby pants.,它们真小。,They are so small.,为什么?,What for ?,快一点。,Hurry up.,我有一条新的连衣裙参加我的生日聚会。,I have a new dress for my birthday party.,这件红色的T恤衫很漂亮。,This red T-shirt is pretty.,我们今天有一场表演。,We have a show today.,一场时装表演。,A fashion show.,什么时间 ?,What time ?,在四点钟。,At four oclock.,现在还太早。,Its too early now.,现在只有三点钟。,Its only three oclock.,待会儿见。,See you later.,它是个秘密。,Its a secret.,过一会儿就知道了。,Just wait and see.,它看起来像一条鱼。,It looks like a fish.,现在轮到你了。,Its your turn now.,这个是天气预报。,This is the weather report.,在拉萨是凉爽的。,Its cool in Lhasa.,我今天能穿我的新衬衫吗?,Can I wear my new shirt today ?,你可以穿你的新衬衫。,You can wear your new shirt.,脱下你的夹克衫。,Take off your jacket.,穿上你的毛衣。,Put on your sweater.,让我们去踢足球。,Lets play football. = Let us play football.,我的鞋子在哪里?,Where are my shoes ?,快点,Zoom. 到走的时间了。,Come on , Zoom. Its time to go.,那双是我的鞋子。,Those are my shoes.,它们在哪里?,Where are they ?,它们在你的脚上。,They are on your feet.,这里是世界气象。,Heres the world weather.,你正在做什么?,What are you doing ?,没什么。,Not much.,天气怎么样 ?,Whats the weather like ?,纽约怎么样?,How about New York ?,发生什么事了?,Whats the matter ?,我必须去关窗了。,I have to close the window.,那里天气怎么样?,Whats the weather like there ?,这里是你的外套。,Heres your coat. = Here is your coat.,那件色彩丰富的连衣裙多少钱?,How much is that colourful dress ?,我能帮你什么吗?,Can I help you ?,它太贵了。,Its too expensive.,它很适合我。,It fits me well.,我买下它了。,Ill take it.,我想要一双网球鞋。,I want a pair of sneakers.,为我儿子买一双网球鞋。,A pair of sneakers for my son.,多少尺码?,What size ?,五码。,Size five.,这一双怎么样?,How about this pair ?,它们漂亮吗?,Are they nice ?,我喜欢它们。,I like them.,它们都好吗 ? 它们都合脚吗 ?,Are they all right ?,我们买下它们了。,Well take them.,牛仔裤多少钱?,How much are the jeans ?,它们是什么?,What are they ?,这个农场真大。,This farm is so big .,它们是绵羊吗?,Are they sheep ?,看母鸡。它们很肥。,Look at the hens. They are fat.,你有多少头奶牛 ?,How many cows do you have ?,你在图片里看到了什么?,What do you see in the picture ?,你能看到多少只鹅 ?,How many geese can you see ?,让我看一看。,Let me see.,Let me have a look.,这些是什么?,What are these ?,那里有多少只马? 一只也没有。,How many horses are there ? None.,让我们明天去野餐吧。,Lets have a picnic tomorrow.,明天将会暖和的、晴朗的。,Tomorrow will be warm and sunny.,你想要带什么?,What do you want to bring ?,我想要做一个沙拉。,I want to make a salad.,让我们去逛街吧。让我们去买东西吧。,Lets go shopping. = Let us go shopping.,它们想要分享食物。,They want to share the food.,它们饿了。,They are hungry.,我有一些水果。,I have some fruit.,农场天气怎么样 ?,Whats the weather like at the farm ?,
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