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1UnitUnit 5 5 waterwater ListeningListening andand SpeakingSpeaking每日分享:Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. 行动是知识之佳果。课题学习目标1. 知识目标:逐步提升听力水平,锻炼在听力过程中扑捉关键信息的能力, 认读以下音标 /str/ /spl/ /spr/ /skr/ 2. 能力目标:提高学生听力、口语能力 3. 情感目标: 让孩子知道节约、不浪费水、钱。学习重点提高听力过程中抓住关键信息的能力,练习音标/str/ /spl/ /spr/ /skr/学习难点如何在听力过程中扑捉关键信息,看见字母组合辨读音标学习过程2StepStep 1 1Show a coin to Ss, and then ask them to say sth about coins.What can we use it to do? Where is it going?Guess the journey of a coin. StepStep 2 2Listening 1. 在听录音之前,请你仔细观察 Listening A 部分的 6 个图片,说说在图片中看见了什 么,并描述每张图片中发生的事情。2.Listen to the recording, ask Ss to know the article simply 3.Listen to the recording again, and the put the pictures in the correct order 4.Listen to the recording and then finish the part B. 5.Use information from the story to make a flow chart of the coins journey!StepStep 3 3 SpeakingSpeaking A Talk time Repeat the words after the tape.3Practice A1 and A2 B Speak up How does water become rain? In groups, discuss this process.Ask Ss to show the discussions with the help of the chart on PPT StepStep 4 4 Homework Wri te a short article about the journey of coin.(or how does water become rain?)总结反思: 通过这节课的学习,同学们学到什么了,还有哪些疑问,自己总结一下吧!
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