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义务教育课程标准试验教科书 七年级下册,Section A (1a-2c),Fengcheng junior high school Li Xiaoli,What are you doing for vacation?,Memory Challege,What is he / she doing ?What are they doing?,He / She is Theyre ,A: What are you doing this weekend? B: Im ,spending time with my friends,babysitting my baby,studying for a test,going fishing,going to the park with my friends,Im very busy next week. On Monday, I am _. On Tuesday , Im _ . On Wednesday, I _. On Thursday, Im _. And on Friday, Im _.,What are you doing next week?,A: What are you doing next week? B: Im ,A: Whats she doing next week? B: Shes ,A: What are you doing next week? B: A: Who are you going with? B: Im going with ,A: What are you doing next week? B: A: Who are you going with? B: Im going with A: When are you going? B: ,relaxing at home,visiting your grandmother,spending time with friends,babysitting,playing basketball,watching TV,doing sports,1,2,3,on Friday,going to sports camp,on the 11th,going to the beach,this weekend,Listening (2a, 2b ),Listen and fill in the blanks,Molly: Hey, Hector! What are you doing for_?Hector : Im_ my cousins in Canada. Im leaving on Friday. How about you, Susan?Susan : Im going to sports _.Molly : Oh, cool. When are you going?Susan : On the 11th.Molly : Sounds great.Hector : How about you, Molly? What are you doing for vacation?Molly : Im _ to the beach with my family. Were leaving this weekend.,vacation,visiting,camp,going,The World Expo is coming!,When is it starting?How long does it last?Where is it?,On May 1st .,Shanghai,184 days.,What are you doing for the World Expo?,taking photos,doing some cleaning,working as a waiter,playing with foreigners,helping them learn a lot about China,babysitting their children,During the World Expo, your classmates may be volunteers . Now ask your classmates these four questions, and then write down their plans.What are you doing for the World Expo ?When are you going?Who are you going with? How long are you staying?,Report: The World Expo is coming . My friend .is doing . .is doing .,May Day is coming. What are you doing for May Day? Please write an e-mail to me. My e-mail address is lixx163.com,Homework,Thank you for listening!,
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