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WORDSprefer【寓词于境】 阅读下列句子,并试着总结 prefer 在句中的含义及用法。1. Which one do you prefer, an apple or an orange? 2. At the moment, he preferred not to think about the future.3. I prefer walking to cycling.4. I prefer you not to tell me the truth.5. I prefer that you did not tell me the truth. 6. He prefers to die rather than give in to the enemy.【用法归纳】 prefer 作动词,意为“更喜欢,宁愿,选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) ” 。习惯用法有:prefer sth.更喜欢(句 1) ,后跟名词或代词;prefer (not) to do sth.宁愿(不)做(句 2) ;prefer . to . 喜欢而不喜欢/胜过(句 3) ;prefer sb. (not) to do sth. 宁愿某人(不)做(句 4) ;prefer that . 宁愿(句 5) ,从句用虚拟语气;prefer to do rather than do . 宁愿而不愿(句 6) 。 【即学即练】 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. She prefers that she _ (不是总统的女儿).2. He preferred to keep the secret to himself _ (而不是告诉别人).3. He preferred returning to his hometown after graduation _ (而不是呆在大城市).schedule寓词于境 阅读下列句子,注意 schedule 的词性和搭配。1. The train arrived on schedule.2. We should do the work according to schedule.3. The president is scheduled to make a speech tomorrow.自我归纳a. schedule 作_词(句 1、句 2) ,意为“时间表,进度表”; on schedule 与 on time 同义,according to schedule 的意思是 as planned。b. schedule 可用于固定结构_ (句 3) ,意为“定于做某事”。另外, be scheduled for 意为“定在某一天进行”; behind schedule 误了进度。即学即练 根据括号内的提示完成下列句子。1. The builders were lazy and failed to finish the boat _ (按进度表).2. The meeting _ (被安排在) for Friday afternoon.3. The tunnel project has already _ (误了进度).不同的“旅行”journey 多指有目的地的陆上长途旅行,也可指从一地到另一地的旅行,在英国英语中可指长途或短途的常规旅行。trip 指往返某地,尤指短途旅行;在美国英语中,短途旅行用 trip,不用 journey。travel 泛指旅行或游历。voyage 航行,主要指水上或空中旅行。tour 常指根据一定的路线,事先预定了一些逗留地点,其主要目的是巡回旅行、观光、视察等。即学即练 选择以上合适的词填空。1. My sister loves _ in summer holidays.2. They went on a _ round the world last year.3. During the two-hour _, we talked and laughed.4. The _ was hard. Many people got sick because of the huge waves.5. They went on a long train _ across India.WORDSprefer【即学即练】 1. were not the Presidents daughter 2. rather than tell it to others 3. to staying in a big citypersuade自我归纳 to do; into doing; out of 即学即练1. He was persuaded to go to Shanghai with us. 2. Although we advised / tried to persuade him not to drink wine, he still drank a lot.schedule自我归纳a. 名 b. be scheduled to do sth.即学即练 1. on schedule 2. is scheduled 3. behind schedule不同的“旅游”即学即练 1. travel 2. tour 3. trip 4. voyage 5. journey
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