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英语译林牛津版必修英语译林牛津版必修 1 Unit2 精品教案(精品教案(12) Module 1 Unit 2 Growing pains Period Twelve Exercises I. Teaching aims Get the students to consolidate the vocabulary in this unit. II. Teaching important going B. cycling; go C. to cycle; going D. cycle; go (二)单词拼写: 1. Can you take out the _ when you go off to work? (垃圾) 2. Such _ is unacceptable in public. (行为) 3. Various _ for these changes in climate have been offered by scientists all over the world. (解释) 4. In the final _, Harry expressed his love to Julia. (场景) 5. Teachers in this school are given complete _ in their choice of teaching materials. (自由) 6. I think we all learned a _ lesson today. (宝贵的) 7. After a brief _ of silence, the students started their discussion. (时期、时段) 8. She drew back the _ to let in the light, and then sat down to enjoy a cup of tea. (窗帘) 9. Students at our school generally have the highest test _ in the city. (分数) 10. In this country, women are _ to enter the temple. (禁止) (三)词组填空: A be supposed to be hard on in charge of like crazy now that as though 1. Generally speaking, a lot of successful people _ themselves. 2. Who do you think will be _ the company when Mr. Luck retires this June? 3. With Tom away and Jenny ill, were going to have to work _ to get this task finished on time. 4. I understand him much better _ Ive seen his living conditions. 5. Mike is impossible! He treated me _ I was a complete stranger! 6. Im sorry, but you _ hand in your paper last Monday. xkmB stay up mix up insist on do with go out feel like 1. I had a very bad day at the office, so tonight I dont _ doing anything. 2. We went to bed, but Julie and Kate _ talking and playing cards. 3. She _ following me all the way here, though I told her not to. 4. Be careful not to _ those papers on the desk. 5. What shall we _ the dog if we go off on vacation? 6. Suddenly all the lights _ and it was pitch dark. (四)综合填空: 1. - Whats up, honey? You dont look happy. - Sorry, nothing serious. I just had an a_ with my boss this afternoon. 2. - Why didnt you hand in your homework, Jeffery? - Im sorry, sir. But its not my f_. My dog ate it. 3. - Copy the text ten times! Every one of you! - But sir, its unfair to p_ a whole class for the actions of one or two students. 4. - I give up! Physics is simply driving me c_! - Why dont you ask your teacher for help? 5. - Whats wrong with Bob these days? - I think he is still u_ that we forgot his birthday. 6. - How are you paying? By credit card? - No, in c_. 7. - Are you close to your parents? - Yes. I have a good r_ with them. 8. - We still have a s_ ticket for tonights game. - Then can I go with you? 9. - May I speak to Dr. Henderson please? - Im sorry, but Dr. Henderson is away on v_. 10. - What a m_! Cant you clean up a bit? - Sorry. Im too busy with my exam this week. (五)短文填空: Mom and Dad were away on _1_ and left Daniel in _2_ of the house. Unfortunately the dog Spot fell ill so the brothers had to take Spot to the vet. They spent a whole day with the dog so they did not have time to clean the house. When Mom and Dad returned early to _3_ the boys, they found the house in a _4_. They were so _5_ that they shouted at Daniel. On the other hand, Daniel felt _6_ that his parents did not _7_ him and gave him no chance to _8_. Mom and Dad thought their son was too _9_ to them while Daniel thought his parents were too _10_ on him. KEYS (一)单项填空: 1-5:CACDB6-10: BBACA (二)单词拼写: 1. garbage2. behaviour3. explanations4. scene5. freedom 6. valuable7. period8. curtains9. scores10. forbidden (三)词组填空: A 1. are hard on2. in charge of3. like crazy4. now that5. as though 6. were supposed to B 1. feel like2. stayed up3. insisted on4. mix up5. do with 6. went out (四)综合填空: 1. argument2. fault3. punish4. crazy5. upset 6. cash7. relationship8. spare9. vacation10. mess (五)短文填空: 1. vacation2. charge3. surprise4. mess5. mad/angry 6. upset7. trust8. explain9. rude10. hard Step 3 Homework 1. Review the contents in this unit. 2. Preview Unit 3. Postscripts:
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