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Obstetrics & Gynecology 妇产科学,Department of O&G 2nd Clinical Medical College Southern Medical University,LIU Mubiao 刘木彪,preface 绪 论,Chapter 1,Obstetrics(产科学) Gynaecology(妇科学) Family planning(计划生育),OB/GYN, O&G, OBG, Obs & Gynae,a branch of clinical medicine aims to female physiologic and pathologic change and reproductive regulation.,Obstetrics 产科学,what will happen while a woman and her offspring(s) during pregnancy, parturition(分娩) and the puerperium(产褥期). what will be done by the obstericians and nurses.,Gynaecology 妇科学,focused on the diagnosis and management of the diseases of the female reproductive system.,Family planning 计划生育,birth control(生育调控),Contraception (避孕) Genital sterilization(绝育) Aristogenesis (优生),Relationship,OB,GYN,FaP,妇产科学的特点:,妇产科学是个整体,不可分割。各学科间有着共同的基础,又互为因果。,妇产科学近代进展:,产科学理论体系的根本性转变产前诊断技术不断创新生殖生理学的迅速进展女性生殖内分泌学的飞跃发展妇科肿瘤学发展极快妇科保健学的建立,Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System 女性生殖系统解剖,Chapter 2,Syllabus(课程提纲),External genitalia 外生殖器 Internal genitalia 内生殖器 Vessel & lymph & nerve 血管、淋巴、神经 Pelvis 骨盆 Pelvic floor 盆底 Adjacent organs 临近器官,External genitalia,外生殖器/外阴,Labium majus 大阴唇,Clitoris 阴蒂,Labium minus 小阴唇,Vaginal vestibule 阴道前庭,mons pubis 阴阜,Vaginal orifice 阴道口,Major vestibular gland 前庭大腺,Hymen 处女膜,Urethral orifice 尿道口,Vaginal vestibule 阴道前庭,Vestibular bulb 前庭球,Internal genitalia,内生殖器,vagina (阴道) uterus (子宫) oviduct (输卵管)/fallopian tube ovary (卵巢),Vagina 阴道,性交器官; 经血排出及 胎儿娩出通道,1. Location and shape 位置与形状,adjacent to urethra,bladder and rectumflattened canal of muscle (前浅后深)anterior wall (79cm) posterior wall (1012cm)vaginal fornix(阴道穹隆)posterior fornix often be chosed as a puncture or cut site because of its neiborhood (Douglas pouch) 穿刺或切开部位,rectum,Posterior fornix,Uterus,Bladder,Douglas pouch,urethra,vagina,2. Histologic structure(阴道壁组织结构),mucosal layer (复层鳞状上皮,周期改变)stratified squamous epithelium,without gland, cyclic change influenced by sexual hormone. muscular layer (内环外纵)outer longitudinal, inner circumferentialfibrous tissue layer (丰富静脉丛,易出血及血肿)injury of dense plexus of veins easily result in hemorrhage or hematoma.,Uterus 子宫,孕育胚胎、 胎儿及产生 月经的器官,1. Location and Shape(位置和形态),situated between the bladder and rectum pear-shaped,thick-walled, muscular and hollow organlength (7-8cm),width (4-5cm), thickness (2-3cm) volume of uterine cavity :5mL,cornua uteri 宫角,fundus uteri宫底,Cervix uteri 宫颈,体颈比:babyhood 1:2 adult woman 2:1aging woman 1:1,Corpus uteri 宫体,Uterine cavity 宫腔,Isthmus uteri 子宫峡部,Cervical canal 宫颈管,Anatomical os,Histological os,宫颈外口及两内口,解剖学内口 组织学内口,子宫矢状断面,子宫冠状断面,Coronary section,Sagittal section,宫颈阴道部,宫颈阴道上部, endometrium (mucous layer) (粘膜层),2. Histologic structure 组织结构,Corpus uteri (宫体),functional layer:compact layerspongy layerresponse to hormone periodicallybasal layernon-response to hormone periodically,子宫内膜endometrium, myometrium (muscular layer) (肌层):outer layer (longitudinal)middle layer(interlaced)inner layer (circumferential),内环外纵中交叉,子宫肌层肌束排列,内环外纵中交织,Outer layer,Inner layer, perimetrium (浆膜层): uterovesical pouch 膀胱子宫陷凹rectouterine pouch 直肠子宫陷凹Douglas pouch 道格拉斯陷凹,浆膜层perimetrium,uterovesical pouch膀胱子宫陷凹,rectouterine pouch直肠子宫陷凹, constitution 组织成分connective tissue,muscular tissue,vessel and elastic tissue endocervical mucosa:columnar epithelium exocervix: squamous epithelium squamocolumnar junction:鳞柱交接部:宫颈癌好发部位,Cervix uteri (宫颈), Round lig (圆韧带) Broad lig (阔韧带)ovarian lig (卵巢固有韧带) infundibulopelvic lig(骨盆漏斗韧带) Cardinal lig (主韧带) Uterosacral lig (宫骶韧带),3. Uterine ligaments 子宫韧带,Uterine ligaments (anterior view),cardinal lig,round lig,broad lig,ovarian lig,infundibulopelvic,uterosacral lig.,suspensory lig. of ovary,round lig.,proper lig. of ovary,broad ligament,Fallopian tube /oviduct 输卵管,8-14 cm; 受精场所; 运送受精卵的通道,fimbrial portion(伞部),1. Shape 形态,Ampulla portion(壶腹部),isthmic portion (峡部),Interstitial portion (间质部),Isthmus (峡部),Ampulla (壶腹部),fimbrial (伞部),Interstitial(间质部),2. Histological structure 组织结构, mucous layer (粘膜) :高柱状上皮,纤毛可摆动,协助运送卵子。, muscular layer (肌层): 肌肉收缩,协助拾卵,运送受精卵,阻止经血逆流及宫内感染向盆腔扩散。, serous membrane(浆膜):腹膜的一部分,ovary 卵巢,提供性激素及卵子的器官,Paired organ, oval (卵圆形)4X3X1(cm), 56g suspensory lig. of ovary ovarian lig.,1. Shape 形态,2. Histological structure 组织结构,1) Covered by cuboid or low columnar epithelium(柱状上皮),Cortex: oocytes(卵母细胞) in various stages of maturity.Medulla髓质: connective tissue (结缔组织)fibers, smooth muscle cells, blood vessel, nerves.,germinal layer 生发上皮,released ovum 排卵,corpus luteum 黄体,medulla 髓质,corpus albican 白体,primordial follicle 初级卵泡,ovary,vessels,mature follicle,growing follicle,Vascular ,lymphatic and nervous system 血管、淋巴和神经,Blood vessel : Ovarian artery (卵巢动脉) Originate as branches of the abdominal aorta, (left: left renal artery). Uterine artery(子宫动脉) a terminal branch of the hypogastric artery Cross the ureter near the cervix (2cm) Vaginal artery(阴道动脉) Internal pudendal artery(阴部内动脉),common iliac artery,external iliac artery,
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