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1ModuleModule 1 1 UnitUnit 3 3 LookingLooking goodgood ,feeling,feeling goodgoodPeriodPeriod 1212 ProjectProjectTeachingTeaching aimsaims 1. Get the ss to know about proper health and fitness so that they can take care of themselves.2.Improve the students ability of making a survey and making a questionn aire.Self-educationSelf-education 自主学习自主学习任务型阅读(根据课文内容完成下列表格,每空一词)Topic : Advice on 1_fitHealthy eatingAbout 20% of teenagers have tried going on a diet or 2_meals to keep their weight 3_control.But diets dont work in the long term. Rice, bread, vegetables and fruit should be your 4_food.Besides ,water plays an important part in 5_your system.Regular exerciseSome chemicals are 6_when teenagers exercise ,which can make them feel peaceful, relaxed and 7_on their studies.TipsA good 8_of sleepEight to ten hours of sleep each night makes teenagers prepared for the 9_day,while loss of sleep can make them look tired.ConclusionHealthy eating along with proper exercise can make teenagers look better, feel better and be more 10_TeamTeam workwork 合作探究合作探究1课文原句 Healthy eating along with regular exercise is probably the only way to become fit.当主语后面跟 along with /together with/as/like/as well as/ with / together with / except/ but / other than/ be-side / rather than / including+名词的结构时,其谓语动词的单复数形式与这类短语前的主语一致,因为这类短语只是一个介宾短语作修饰语,对真正的主语和谓语动词形式无影响。A woman with two children has come. 一个女人带着两个孩子来了。 【典型例题】(2010 四川卷) Such poets as Shakespeare _ widely read, of whose works, however, some _ difficult to understand. A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are.2. 课文原句Diets are useless in the long term, yet approximately 20 of teenagers say 从长远角度来看,只是节食并不能奏效,然而,有大约20的青少年声称,他们都曾尝试节食或者到吃饭的时间干脆什么也不吃,借以控制自己的体重。 in the long term 介词短语,可写成 in the long run,意为:就长期而言,从长远角度看。2In the long term, alcohol causes high blood pressure.长期来看,酒精会导致高血压。We must aim for the world peace in the long term.我们要争取持久的世界和平。即时演练:The changes in the city will cost quite a lot, but they will save us money _A. in plain terms B. in any term C. in the short them D. in the lonyet conj.& adv. 1)conj. 然而,可是 p31Ive slept eight full hours, yet Im still sleepy.我睡了足足 8 个小时,可还是想睡。2).adv. 然而,可是Her plan was simple yet very practical. 她的计划简单,不过很实用。3).adv. 尚未,还,已经(用于否定句和疑问句) ;还,仍然(用于肯定句)I havent finished my homework yet.我还没有完成作业。Dont give up! There is hope yet 别泄气!仍然有希望。 【典型例题】(2009 北京高考) John plays basketball well,_his favourite sport is badminton.A. so B. or C. yet D. for approximately adv.大约The plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes.飞机大约将于 20 分钟以后着陆。The journey took approximately two weeks. 旅行了大约用了两周。 【典型例题】(2009 湖北高考)The questionnaire takes _ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.A. mainly B. punctually C. approximately D. precisely 【单词积累】approximate adj. 大概的,极近于的,v.(使)接近,approximation n. 概算;接近;近似值1. 课文原句If you follow the suggestions above, you will look and feel much better in no timeat all!.如果你能遵守以上建议,用不了多久你就会气色好,感觉棒得多!in no time 立刻,很快,相当于 right now, right away, right off.。即毫不犹豫或毫不耽误的“立即” 。He was so clever that he worked out the problem in no time.他如此聪明很快就解出了这道题。If you get the address, let me know in no time/right away.如果你得到地址,请立即告诉我。I think Ill write Jim right now and tell him Ill go with him.我想我要马上写信给吉姆,告诉他我同他一道去。即时演练 Your mother is in hospital. You should go to the hospital to see her _3A. for some time B. in no time C. at a time D. in time TargetTarget detection:detection:目标检测目标检测单项填空:单项填空:.1. You didnt shut your eyes before you made the wish, so it doesnt _!A. count B. apply C. stress D. function2.(2007 江苏高考) My room gets very cold at night. -_.A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does.3. John has made a great deal of progress lately. -_.A. So he has ,so you have B. So he has , so have youC. So has he , so have you D. So has he, so you have4. I cant _my studies with all the noise going on. A. devote to B. concentrate on C .work on D. apply to
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