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英语译林牛津版必修 1Unit2 同步精练(1) (附答案)Unit 2 Growing pains 同步精练同步精练 (1)(安徽专用).课文缩写Eric and Daniels parents are _1_their vacation and the two boys are left home to look after the house.However,their parents are one day _2_to return home.They are surprised to see the house in a _3_,the dog hungry and the money they left has _4_.Dad is angry with Daniel because he left Daniel _5_charge.Before Daniel can explain,parents have scolded him._6_,Daniel runs into his bedroom and slams the door. In the dormitory,Eric asks _7_he should explain to their parents or not,while Daniel disagrees to do so,because he thinks his parents dont trust him.In parents room,Dad and Mum think maybe they are too _8_on their son Daniel. Daniels mother goes into his dormitory.She explains _9_she and his father are so angry and asks him the real reason.Daniel tells his mother _10_the dog is ill and that is why the money is gone and the house is in a mess.答案 1.on 2.earlier 3.mess 4.gone 5.in 6.Angrily 7whether 8.hard 9.why 10.that.单词填空1A thick curtain(幕状物)of fog hid the mountains from view.2The ghost story frightened(使惊恐,使害怕)the child.3The nurse was left in charge(负责) of the children.4In an emergency(危机时刻),call 119.5She was supposed(理应) to have attended the meeting,but she didnt turn up at last.6It is your own fault(缺点) to choose this kind of shoes,which are poorly made.7Teenagers(青少年) are young people who are between 13 and 19 years old.8In America you would say garbage(垃圾) for all the things you no longer want,but English people call that rubbish.9I find the study on the behaviors(行为)of animals very interesting.For example,why and how do they hibernate(冬眠)?10He left the room angrily without explaining(解释)the reason to me.翻译与仿写1Dont_you_think this is a waste of time?翻译:_仿写:难道你不认为你应该遵循他的建议吗?_2The room is in a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.翻译:_仿写:老师急忙赶回办公室,胳膊下夹着几本书。_3I dont know_the_reason_why the house is so dirty. 翻译:_仿写:他们不知道你换工作的理由。_4Yes,I cant_wait_to surprise the boys!翻译:_仿写:听说他从美国回来了,我迫不及待地想见到他。_5They dont deserve_an explanation.翻译:_仿写:坏行为应受惩罚。_答案 1.难道你不认为这是浪费时间吗?Dont you think that you should follow his advice? 2起居室里一片狼藉:地板上堆放着比萨饼盆子,洗碗池里全是脏碗碟。The teacher hurried to his office,with books under his arm. 3我不知道为什么这个房子弄得这么脏They dont know the reason why you changed your work. 4是啊,我迫不及待地要给儿子们一个惊喜呢!I heard he came back from America;I couldnt wait to see him 5他们不配得到解释。Bad acts deserve punishment.句型转换1It is crazy of you to buy the car at such a high price.You are crazy to buy the car at such a high price.2What would you like to have?What do you feel like having?3Children shouldnt play in the street.Children are not supposed to play in the street.4Since you are grown up,you must stop doing this childish things.Now that you are grown up,your behaviour must not be childish.5If a child does something wrong,you should punish him. If a child does something wrong,you shouldnt let him go unpunished.单项填空1She turned _the radio,for she couldnt hear the news clearly in such a noisy room.Aon Bdown Cup Doff答案 C turn up 在此表示“将音量开大”,因为屋子里的噪音大,她听不清新闻。turn on 表示“打开”;turn down 表示“把开小”;turn off 表示“关闭”。2I hate _unnecessary waste.Dont you think it _waste to throw good food away?Athe;the B/;/ Can;a D/;a答案 D unnecessary waste 表示“不必要的浪费”,是泛指,不用冠词。a waste指把好的食品扔掉是“一种”浪费,a 在此表示“一”。3The result of the experiment was better than _. Aexpect BexpectingCexpected Dto expected答案 C 句意:实验的结果比预期的要好。这里是 than it had been expected的省略。 4When she knew that Tom was playing computer games instead of doing his homework,she was really _.Arude Bmad Cglad Dtired答案 B mad 在此表示“气得发疯”。5Suddenly all the lights _,and then Mom came out of her room with a birthday cake.Awent on Bwent outCwent along Dwent away答案 B go out 在此表示“(灯)熄灭”。go on 表示“继续”;go along 表示“前进,进展”;go away 表示“离开”。6The boy is running after a football,_by a big dog,_behind happily.Afollowed;walked Bfollowed;walkingCfollowing;walking Dbeing followed;walked答案 B followed by 表示“后面跟着”,walking 是现在分词,作 dog 的定语。7Please dont leave water _while you brush your teeth.Arun BrunningCbeing run Dto run答案 B leave water running 表示“听任水流淌”,running 是宾语补足语,与water 是主动关系。8I was supposed _the work yester
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