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Module 4 Great Scientists一 知识归纳1.重点词组1) as a result of12) in short/in brief 2) bring up13) clear up3) search for14) the key to solving the problem4) bring in15) be at war with5) attachto. 16) in the area/field of6)for military purposes 17) be based on 7) be known for 18) escape doing sth.8) come to power 19) come out9) earn /make ones living 20)be of high/poor quality10) break through 21)do/perform an experiment in11)graduate from 22)in all directions/in every direction2. 重点句型1)He thought that the key to feeding people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.2) As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s.3) In Pakistan rice is the second most important crop after wheat and will be grown in many parts of thecountry.4) Its yield is much greater than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.3. 语法项目1)Revision of the passive voice2) by+-ing forme.g, Rice is grown in many other Asian countries.The research was supported by the government.He thought he could produce more rice by crossing different species of plant.二随堂练习1.单词拼写1) He is one of the _(主要的) scientists. 1._2) This is not an_(原来的) edition and its only a copy. 2._3) The books written by the famous writer will be_(出版) next month. 3._4) Quality is more important than _(数量) 4._5) He is a very clever and_(才华横溢的) student. 5._6) In my _(个人的) opinion, you should tell him the truth. 6._7) A bomb _(爆炸) in the building last night. 7._8) The bird_(逃脱) being caught by the hunter. 8._9) The eight boys stood in a _(直线的) line. 9._10) In the 1960s he was _(诊断) with motor neurone disease. 10._2. 句型转换1)A: My brother will plant trees in rows in the field.B: The trees _ _ _ in rows in the field by my brother.2)A: He met his friend in the street by chance.B: He met his friend in the street _ _.3)A: He didnt go to the film and went to the concert instead.B: He went to the concert _ _ going to the film.4)A: He didnt work hard and he failed in the examination.B: He failed in the examination _ _ _ _ his laziness.5)A: They were doing experiments in the lab.B: They were _ _ experiments in the lab.3根据汉语意思完成句子1) 他靠卖报纸为生.He _ _ _ by selling newspapers.2) 我们的军队突破了敌人的防御工事.Our army _ _ _ the enemys defence works.3) 他上台掌权后,为人民做了大量的工作.After he_ _ _,he did a lot of work for the people.4) 迈克是由他叔叔抚养长大的.Mike was _ _ by his uncle.5) 树上的鸟朝着四面八方飞去.The birds in the trees flew _ _ _.4单句改错1)The key of feeding people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.2)Then he began his search of a special type of rice plant.3)50 thousand square kilometers of rice fields were converted to grow vegetables and other cash crops.4)Moved in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer, he has become the voice of science.5)The tubes were attached on a long stick.5词汇与语法1) I was interested_ in the paper that scientists had found out how to talk to whales.A. to readB. in readingC. readingD. with reading2) The old man watched the young boys playing_ basketball with_ great interest.A. a; aB. the; the C. /; /D. /; a3) What are you going to do when you_?A. bring upB. grow up C. come upD. go up4) The police with dogs are_ the woods_ the thief.A. searching; forB. in search; forC. searching; toD. in search; of5) A really good article will_ a handsome remuneration(稿费).A. bring upB. bring toC. bring inD. bring into6) If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _.A. However great is it B. However it is greatC. However great it is D. However is it great7) You can refer_ the notes_ the text if you dont understand the sentence.A. to; ofB. to; toC. for; ofD. for; to8) You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had _her children.A. bringing up B. brought up C. to bring up D. to have brought up9) He is taller than any_ in his class.A. other boysB. other boyC. othersD. boys10) Dont use words, expressions, or phrases_ only to people with specific knowledge.A. being knownB. having been known C. to be knownD. known6阅读理解 AWe shall not drown if we remember these rules:1.Never swim alone.2.Never swim at a beach if there is no life guard.3.Never swim after a meal or when you feel hungry.4.Never rely on rings, floats or other swimming aids. You may lose them or they may le
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