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金金昌昌市市一一中中导导学学案案课题:课题:Unit 4 Warming up and reading copmprehension 时数(第时数(第 周第周第 课时)课时) 编写人:编写人: 时间时间: 审核人审核人: 审批人:审批人: 学习目标学习目标Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part as; to ,which/that 2. 2.Now,can you divide the passage into 4 parts? How?After finishing each job,ask students to show them to their partners And then have a discussion to correct them. After that,each poins must be shown on the blackboard.自自主主研研讨讨自自学学与与诊诊断断1.Ask the students to read and write some words to check their preview. 2.Ask the students to draw the usages according to sentences. 3.Ask the students to do the consolidation and application exercises.合合 作作互互动动精精 讲讲 与与 点点 拨拨privilege n. 特权,特别优待特权,特别优待 ;【sing. 】荣幸,荣耀荣幸,荣耀 (honor) 1) Education should be a universal right and not a privilege. 2) I hope to have the privilege of working with them again. have the privilege of doing sth / to do sth = have the honor of (doing) sth有幸做有幸做; 有特权做某事有特权做某事 3)Only members have the privilege to use it. Its a privilege to do sth =Its an honor to do sth 有幸做有幸做 某事某事 4)It was a great privilege to hear her sing. vt 给予特权,给予优待给予特权,给予优待 5) Education policies that privilege the children of poor families privileged (honored) adj. 受优待的,有特权的受优待的,有特权的 6) She comes from a privileged background.6. toast Interpretation must rely on the students; team members can add. Other groups can also correct or add. The teacher properly give instructions.学生活动学生活动教学设计教学设计回味与共同成长回味与共同成长检检 测测 与与 纠纠 错错toast n. U 烤面包片,吐司烤面包片,吐司 a piece of toast n. c 干杯,祝酒干杯,祝酒 toast to sb/sth 1) Id like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 2) The committee drank a toast to the new project. vt 为为举杯敬酒举杯敬酒 3) We toasted the success of the new company. vt 烤烤 4)Please toast the bread. toasted 烤制的烤制的 toasted breadfried 油炸的, 油煎的 fried fish 练习 They _ the Queen. 他们为女王祝酒。 Ask the students to do the test and then the group mark them and give the scores They should get. The scores should be recoreded in the lift.Homework 1. Read the text fluently. 2. Recite the new words 3.单项填空 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1Mr Jackson is the only foreigner_is present at the party. Awhom Bthat Cwho Dwhich 答案:B 先行词前有 the only 修饰,且定语从句缺少主语,所以关系代词只能用 that,这时 的 that 既可以代替人,也可以代替物。 2I dont like such a person_often lies before your face. Awhat Bthat Cas Dwhich 答案:C 在定语从句中,当先行词前有 such 或 such a 修饰,且定语从句缺少主语或宾语时, 关系代词只能采用 as,不用 that。注意,such(a)that.只能用于结果状语从句。 3I like_subject as he does. Aas Bso Clike Dthe same 答案:D the same 与 as 常搭配使用,as 后也可接名词、代词,这时 as 是介词,如:My school bag is the same as yours. 4This is one of the greatest men_Ive heard of. Awhich Bthat Cwhere Dwho 答案:B 先行词前有最高级修饰,且定语从句缺少宾语,故用 that。 5Those_ want to see the film please hand in your money after class. Awho Bthat Cwhich Dwhom 答案:A those who.是常见的搭配关系。检检测测与与评评价价总总 结结 与与 升升 华华Finish the summary on P52 in SWSJ. Read the passage aloud.教学反馈及反思:教学反馈及反思:
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