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沭阳银河学校高一英语教学案沭阳银河学校高一英语教学案Learning content:learn project :writing a report on growing painsLearning aims: writimg a report on growing painsLearning difficult and important points:Analysing long sentences and let students know how to write a reportPeriod one 课前预习课前预习翻译下面的短语翻译下面的短语 1 认识你自己 2 像一辆跑车,生活似乎过的飞快甚至失去控制 3 在其它方面 4 男孩和女孩在这方面往往有所不同 5 他们没有做出好决策的智慧 6 他们为自己的独立而斗争 7 最终,一切都会好起来的 8 他们面对内心世界和外在世界的变化感到困惑是正常的 9 他们想要发现自己的极限以及他们周围世界的极限10 年轻人面对他们成长为成年人的 11 感到孤独和被误解 12 生理上的变化 13 心理上的精神上的变化 Step one :read the text again and divide the whole passage into three parts, Then summarise each part in your own words. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Step two:read the growing pains again and answer the following questions 1Why do the teenagers feel lonely according to this passage?2 what changes do the teenagers go through?3 what aspects do the teenages become confused with He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好编者;陈美玲4 Why do teenagers often question who they are and how they feel in society? 5 Do the teeenagers become an unhealthy adult at last? Why ?6 what is the main idea about”growing pains”?自主学习的过程自主学习的过程 1:Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understand them and the changes they are going throughfeel lonely 意为“感到孤独的” 。其中 lonely 是形容词“孤独的,寂寞的,荒凉的,” 作系动词的表语。也可以作定语,for example :a lonely house 一座孤零零的房子 而 alone 只可以做表语而不能做定语2 2 :life never seems to be going fast enough and even going out of contriol.as though=as if 似乎 好像 a :seem to be (do)好像,似乎。They seems to know a lot about it. b:seem+adj/n/分词词组。看上去,似乎。She seems quite happy。 c:seem like 好像。 It seems like a disaster at that time. d:在“seem to ”句型中跟不定式的完成时,表示“曾经做过某事”Th e old man seems to have known that bad news.e:It seems that 看来好像It seems to me that there is something strange about the case.f:There seems to be 似乎有 There seems to be no need to go g:It seems as if /as though 看起来,仿佛(常用虚拟语气)Practice Translate the following sentences into English.1) 这支钢笔好像是我的。It seems _ _ this pen _ mine.2)他看起来已经见到了那位教授。He looked _ _ he _ the professor. 3:go through 通过,穿过;经历或遭受(困难等;(法律等)被通过;仔细检查;浏览,翻阅 (look through 同意)go through with 完成,把进行到底 a )They went through our luggage at the customs b )Surely they will go through with the plan lonely(主观上)孤独的,孤单的:建筑物等孤零零的:(地方)偏僻的,人烟稀 少的。 有浓厚的感情色彩 alone(客观上)单独的,独自的。不含感情色彩c )she went through untold hardships in her childhood He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好编者;陈美玲拓展拓展含含 if 的连词(词组)小结的连词(词组)小结what if?要是如何怎么办?what if she find out you are telling a lie? even if 尽管,即使 Even if you take a taxi,youll still miss your train. as if 好像 He spoke to me the way as if he know me only if 如果,只要 Only if you study hard, will you pass the test. if only 要是就好了 If only I had come here yesterday!4: 5:These feelings can be thought of as growing pains句中用了 think ofas 的被动语态。此短语的意思是“以为、认为” You mustnt think of me as being unhappy.6:grow to adults grow up grown-up life7: It is normal for them to become confused withnormal adj 正常的,通常的,一般的 He is a normal child in every way.正规的,规范的(尤指儿童)发育正常的,身心健康的 He seems a perfectly normal little boy.n 正常标准,通常标准,一般水平 normally(adv)/normalize (v) 正常化common adj共同的,公共的普通的,常见的粗俗的,庸俗的 辨 ordinary平凡的,普遍的通常的,惯常的 8 :along with 与. 一起,除了以外(还) ” 在句子中,由 along with 引出的短语时,其谓语动词要跟主语保持一致。如 The father,along with his son, is tralvelling to China.类似的情况还有 as well as,rather than, together with,including, besides,with 等 习惯all along 一直,始终/ get along (on) with 在方面有进展confuse 使糊涂迷惑;混淆搞错搞乱 confuse A with and B 把此人或此物误看作彼人彼物;混淆 Dont confuse Austria with Canada.become confused with sth 对感到困惑 They confused me by their conflicting advice.辨 confused 与 confusingyet adv. 还, 仍然, 即刻 I havent asked him yet . She was not
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