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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero核心单词核心单词1. qualityn. U,C质,质量,品质;特性(既可用于描述物品,也用于描述人物)C性质;特性;特点Modesty is one of his good qualities.谦虚是他的美德之一。One quality of wood is that it can burn.木料的一个特点是能燃烧。常用结构:high quality 优质poor quality 劣质average quality 一般的品质Wine of high quality costs more than that of poor quality. 优质的葡萄酒比劣质的葡萄酒价格要高。易混辨析易混辨析quality/quantityquality 质,质量quantity 数量;大量For study, quality often matters more than quantity.就学习而言,质量往往比数量更重要。Quantities of food were on the table. 桌上摆了大量食物。There is a small quantity of water left in the bottle.瓶子里还剩下少量的水。高手过招高手过招完成句子(原创)他仔细检查家具的品质。He examined carefully. 他具备了一个成功商人应具有的所有品质。He has of a successful businessman.the quality of the furniture all the qualities 2. devotevt.献身;专心于常用结构:devote oneself/ones energy/ones time to (doing) sth.奉献/精力/时间于某事sb. be devoted to (doing) sth. 某人献身做某事He devoted all his life to Chinas aviation.他的一生都奉献给了中国的航空事业。Hes devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals. 他终生献身于保护珍稀动物。He is devoted to helping the poor. 他致力于帮助穷困的 联想拓展联想拓展类似于 devote . to . 的结构中 to 为介词的词组还有:object to 反对 attend to 办理;照顾;注意听look forward to 期待;盼望 be opposed to 反对 devote . to 贡献给stick to 坚持 lead to 导致 pay attention to 注意到 be related to 与有关 see to 务必做到; 负责refer to 提到;指的是 turn to 翻到; 求助于高手过招高手过招单项填空The idea for the new machine came to Mr Baker to his invention. (2010陕西师大附中月考)A. while he was devoted B. while devotingC. while devoting himself D. while devoted解析:选 A。考查 be devoted to 这一结构。注意不要误选 D 项,因为主句的主语 the idea 与从句的主语 Mr Baker/he 不一致,因此从句中的主语和谓语动词 he was 不能省略。 3. equal adj.相同的;平等的vt.等于,比得上n.同等/相等的人或物He asked us to cut the apple into three equal pieces.他让我们把苹果切成三等份。None of us can equal her in intelligence.我们中没人能在智力方面比得上她。常用结构:be equal to sth./doing sth.胜任某事/ 做某事A equals BA 等于 Bwithout equal/have no equal 无与伦比/无比Are you equal to (doing) the task?你能胜任这项工作吗?Yao Ming is a basketball player without equal in China.在中国,姚明是个无与伦比的篮球运动员。高手过招高手过招单项填空He doubted whether she would be to the task. (原创)A.equal B. similar C. familiar D. content解析:选 A。be equal to sth. 胜任,符合句意。content 意为“满意的,满足的”不符句意,其他选项也均与句意不符。 4. rewardn.报答;酬金(为某些特殊服务提供或给予的金钱)vt.酬谢,奖赏;报应;惩罚(坏人或坏事)常用结构:as a reward (for) 作为(对某事的)报酬(或奖赏)give/ offer a reward to sb. for sth. 为某事而给某人报酬in reward for 为酬答;作为奖励reward sb.(with .)for sth. 为某事(而以)报答易混辨析易混辨析reward/award/prizereward 表示“奖赏,酬谢”,动词只能以人或人的行为作宾语,名词表示某人因做了某事而应得到某东西。award 作名词指正式或官方 “给予,颁发,授予”(奖章,奖金等) ,也可以指法庭裁决;作动词时可以跟两个宾语,award sb. sth.把某物授予/判给某人。prize 只能作名词,表示“奖赏、奖金、奖品”,尤指在比赛中获得的荣誉。Its a reward for virtue.那是对美德的回报。It is unfair that he gets very little in reward for his hard work. 他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。How can I reward your kindness?我如何酬谢你的好意呢?Jim rewarded the boy a pound for bringing back the lost dog.男孩把吉姆丢失的狗带了回来,为此吉姆奖赏给他一英镑。 高手过招高手过招单项填空Martin Luther King, a great Black leader in the movement against racial discrimination, was the Nobel Prize for peace for his outstanding contribution to world peace. (201011河南洛阳月考)A. rewarded B. given C. awarded D. offeredThey the winners with gifts of fruit and flowers. (原创)A. rewarded B. awarded C. charged D. paidThe girl got nothing in for her kindness, which made her very sad.A. prize B. award C. medals D. reward解析:选 C。句意为:反对种族歧视运动的杰出黑人领袖马丁路德金,因其对世界和平的突出贡献而被授予诺贝尔和平奖。award指正式或官方的“授予,颁发”。解析:选 A。考查固定搭配。句意为:他们送给获胜者水果和鲜花作为奖赏。reward sb. with .用酬劳某人。解析:选 D。由句意可知,应该是对做好事的报答。in reward for 为而报答。重点短语重点短语5. out of work 失业Jim has been out of work for several months.吉姆已经失业几个月了。Marys cell phone has been out of work for several days, which brought her a lot of inconvenience.玛丽的手机坏了好几天了,这给她带来了很多不便。联想拓展联想拓展in work 有工作out of breath 上气不接下气out of patience 不耐烦out of use 没用了out of date 过时out of order 次序颠倒;出故障out of control 失控 out of danger 脱离危险 out of shape 变形Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见, 心不烦。 高手过招高手过招用适当的介词(短语)填空 (原创)Although my computer is date now, its still use.After the fourth operation, the patient has been danger.out of; in out of6. as a matter of fact 事实上It was cold. As a matter of fact, it was freezing.天很冷。事实上,冷得要命。联想拓展联想拓展as a matter of fact=in fact/in actual fact/actually/in reality/to tell the truth 实际上;事实to make matters worse 让事情更糟糕的是it doesnt matter 没有关系高手过招高手过招单项填空It rained that day. , our car broke down on the way. (2010江苏泰州一轮检测)A. In fact B. ActuallyC. To make matters worse D. To tell the truth解析:选 C。to make matters worse 让事情更糟糕的是。根据句意可知,C 项符合。 7. blow up vi.爆炸;突然严峻;大发雷霆vt. 炸毁;给充气;放大(照片)My father blew up when I didnt come home last night.我昨晚没回家,父亲大发雷霆。Stop at the gas station and well blow up the tyres.在加油站停一下,我们要给轮胎打气。联想拓展联想拓展blow away 刮走,吹走blow down(风) 刮倒 blow off 吹掉;将(热水、蒸汽等)放出blow out 吹熄;(电线)烧断blow over (暴风雨等)吹散,刮倒;(坏天气)大风平息 高手过招高手过招单项填空A short circuit will the fuse(保险丝). (
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