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高一英语第一学期完形填空训练高一英语第一学期完形填空训练 六六To know just what the effect of global warming will be in the future is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Scientists 1 computer models to study the 2 of global warming. These computer models have been fairly consistent (一致的) in 3 general future trends, 4 often differ greatly when looking at the specifics.5 scientists say global warming has already been going on for a while. Others say that we do not have enough 6 now to know for sure.7 the disagreements, most scientists are convinced that greenhouse gases are warming the Earth. 8 they are still trying to figure out is how quickly 9 are rising, and what will happen 10 a result.The climate changes that will 11 global warming are extremely 12 to predict. The weather is 13 by so many factors that it is often compared to chaos by scientists. Changing the temperature will likely have some effect on the planets 14 , but just what that effect will be is nearly impossible to 15 .If temperatures do indeed rise significantly, the most important result would be that some portion of the polar ice caps (冰盖) would 16 , raising global sea levels.The rise in sea levels would be for disastrous some places. Islands would 17 , meaning their millions of inhabitants would have to relocate (迁移). 18 would occur along coastlines all over the world, displacing more people and 19 cropland (耕地).In the case of major global warming and melted ice caps, some countries might simply cease to exist. Global warming, if uncontrolled, could 20 a major catastrophe (灾难). 1Aadd Buse Caccept Dtry 2Aeffect Bprofit Cbenefit Dpoint 3Aincreasing Bimproving Cpredicting Dsucceeding 4Aand Bwhile Cor Dbut 5ASome BAny CAll DNone 6Asituation Bcondition Cinformation Dconsequence 7ADespite BIn spite CInstead of DBesides 8AThat BWhat CWhich DAs 9Asea levels Bprice Ctemperatures Dpressure 10Afor Bin Con Das 11Aresult from Bresult in Clead to Dlead from 12Adifficult Beasy Cright Dwrong 13Aadmitted Bplanned Cdetermined Dselected 14Awater Bweather Cice Danimals 15Aimagine Bfancy Cwonder Dpredict 16Amove Bmelt Cfreeze Dbreak 17Adisappear Bexist Cdepart Dseparate 18ADrought BFlooding CEarthquake DHorror 19Aruining Binjuring Cwounding Dhurting 20Ahappen Bcause Ccome about Doccur 文章大意文章大意本文主要讲述了要预测全球变暖对未来的影响是相当困难的,但大多数科学家确信温 室气体正使全球变暖;本文还讲述了气温变暖将给世界带来的影响及危害,如海平线升高, 岛屿将消失,洪水将泛滥,居民将不得不迁移等等。答案解析答案解析1B。科学家使用电脑模型来研究。其余三项不合句意。2A。第一句“To know just what the effect of global warming”有提示。3C。后文提到“大致的未来趋势”,应该是用电脑模型来预测的,因此选 C 项。而不 是增加、提高或者是成功。4D。前句提到电脑在预测未来的大致趋势方面是相当一致的,但在细节方面有异议, 前后为转折关系,故选 D 项。while 意为“虽然”,此处需“但是”之意。5A。Some . others .为固定搭配,一些科学家说另一些科学家说6C。由句意可知,我们没有足够的资料来确认此事,故选 C 项 information“消息、 资料”。situation 意为“形势、情况、位置”;condition 意为“状况、条件、情况”; consequence 意为“结果、后果”;均不合语境,故不选。7A。尽管有分歧,但大多数科学家确信温室气体使全球变暖。此处后接名词 the disagreements,A 项despite 为介词,意为“尽管”,因此选 A 项。B 项若要选,后需加介词 of;instead of 意为“代替,而不是”,意思不符,故不选;besides 意为“而且,还有”,表递进关系而 不是转折关系,因此也不能选。8B。本句为一个主语从句,作 figure out(弄明白)的宾语,故选 B 项,表“所的” 之意。that 在句词性从句中不做句子成分,故不能选;C 项句意不通;D 项也只能在 定语从句中做主语,故也不能选。9C。由前后句可知,这里是在谈论全球变暖,气候变化等等,根据语境,可知此处 应该是科学家要试图弄明白的是气温的上升有多快。而不是“海平线、物价和压力”。10D。as a result 固定搭配“因此、结果”。11A。气候变化是由全球变暖引起的。result from 意为“由引起的”,后接原因, 为正确选项。result in 和 lead to 均意为“导致”,后接结果,意义不符,故不能选;没有 lead from 这一用法。12A。本文第一句有提示,要预测全球变暖对气候变化的影响是相当难的。13C。由句意可知,天气是由许多因素决定的,因此 C 项正确。其余三项分别意为 “承认;计划;选择”,不合句意。14B。气温的改变会影响地球的气候。其余三项不合语境。15D。但将影响什么几乎不可能预测。而不是 imagine(想象) 、fancy(想象)和 wonder(想知道) 。16B。前文提到气温上升,极地冰帽的一部分将会融化,因此选 B 项。而不是 move(移动) 、freeze(结冰)和 break(破裂) 。17A。海平线上升,小岛会被海水覆盖,也就是说会消失,故选 A 项。而不是 exist(存在) 、depart(离开)或 separate(分开) 。18B。海平线上升后,世界各地的沿海岸线的地方将会有洪水发生,故选 B 项。而 不是 Drought(干旱) 、Earthquake(地震)和 Horror(恐怖) 。19A。洪水发生后,也会毁环耕地。B、C、D 三项一般指人受伤,故不能选。20B。由句意可知,如果不控制全球变暖,将会引起巨大的灾难。其余三项均为“发 生”之意,不合语境,故不能选。
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