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Unit3.Unit3. LookingLooking good,good, feelingfeeling good-Grammargood-Grammar andand usageusage 学案学案 Learning aims: 1.to Learn the non-restrictive attributive clauses 2.to Learn how to form the question tags Important and difficult points: How to form the question tags Teaching and learning procedures: Please recite the words, phrases and sentence structures in Reading Self-study Task one: Read the three points about grammar and usage on Page48 and answer the questions: What are the similarities and differences between the restrictive attributive clause and the non- restrictive attributive clause in the meaning and the form? (1)意义上区别:_ _ (2)形式上区别:_ _ (3)关系代词 which可以指代前面 (4)我们可以使用 来表达全部或部分的量 Task two: Read the tip box in this part and fill in the blanks 非限制性定语从句可以使用关系词 不用 that Task three: Complete Part A and Part B on P48 and P49 Task four: Read the five points about Question tags on P50 and complete PartA and PartB on P51. Group-study Task one Fill in the blanks with proper relative pronouns and adverbs 1.China has a lot of excellent basketball players,one of_is Yao Ming. 2.The pills have side effects,_will damage your health 3.Mr Green,_is 45 years old and works in an office,began jogging a few years ago. 4.The book,_our text was taken, was written by Mark Twain. 5.The beautiful house,in front of_there is a small river, is the place_I used to live. Task two: Fill in the blanks with Question tags 1.He doesnt like talking too much_? 2.They never cheat in the exams,_? 3.Nobody can answer the question,_? 4.Something is wrong,_? 5.Come here early,_? 6.I dont believe he will come_? Self-test Multiple choices 1.Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _, of course, made the others envy him. A. who B. that C. what D. which 2.The English play, _ my students acted at the New Years party ,was a great success. A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which 3.There were dirty marks on her trousers _ she had wiped her hands. A. where B. which C. when D. That 4.Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer what it was 20 years ago, _ it was so poorly equipped. A. when B. which C. what D. That 5. The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, _is often the case in other countries A. it B. that C. as D .so 6. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _was very reasonable. 1.which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose 7.Mr. Smith .will move into his new house next Sunday, _ it will be completely finished. A. by the time B. on that time C. on which D. by which time 8.Have you seen the film “Titanic”, _ leading actor is world-famous? A .its B .its C. whose D. Which 9, Is there a department store around, I can get a birthday present for my daughter? A. here B which C. where D. It 10.Jiuzhaigou Valley is a most famous place of interest,_ I will never forget in my life. 11 Why does she always ask you for help? There is no one else she can turn to,_? A. is there B. is it C. can she D. does she 12. There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended, _? A. wasnt there B. was there C. didnt it D. did it. 13. There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to the lecture, _? A. didnt they B. dont they C. mustnt they D. havent they 14. Bills aim is to inform the viewers that cigarette advertising on TV is illegal, _? A. isnt it B. is it C. isnt he D. is he 15 When youve finished with that book, dont forget to put it back on the shelf, _? A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you Feedback :
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