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小学英语四年级上册,Unit 1 In the classroom,Look! This is my classroom.,computer,fan,floor,wall,teachers desk,Game 1:,Point and say,看嘴型猜单词并用手指向相应的实物.,Game 2:,Whats the next?,Whats the next?,Whats the next?,Whats the next?,The _ is white.,The _ is green.,The _ is green, too.,The _ is blue.,The _ is yellow.,wall,floor,fan,computer,teachers desk,Lets chant,Wall! Wall! The wall is white. Green! Green! The floor is green. Fan! Fan! The fan is green.,Computer! Computer! The computer is blue. Teachers desk! Teachers desk! The teachers desk is yellow.11,Task time,This is my classroom. Its very big. ,Homework:,请同学们观察自己家中的物品,填写下列表格,并加以描述。,This is my home. The bed is ,See you!,
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